Sweet LTE

A few days before iPad (third generation) went on sale I decided to get one with LTE on Verizon, I like the ability to use it as a hotspot. Just a few days ago I had to rely on the iPad hotspot to get online. It was a career saver. I managed to do my job and impressed the clients. I have been getting great network speed on Verizon LTE.


Ten Percent

Based on chatters within the industry, an Android Tablet maker hopes to sell at least one-tenth of the amount of iPad Apple sells each quarter. Can you guess which company that is?

Apple releases iOS 5.1.1 update.

iOS 5.1.1 is available Over The Air (OTA) update and through iTunes.

From Apple Support:

About the security content of iOS 5.1.1 Software Update

From iOS 5.1.1 software update:

This update contains improvements and bug fixes, including:

  • Improves reliability of using HDR option for photos taken using the Lock Screen shortcut
  • Addresses bugs that could prevent the new iPad from switching between 2G and 3G networks
  • Fixes bugs that affected AirPlay video playback in some circumstances
  • Improved reliability for syncing Safari bookmarks and Reading List
  • Fixes an issue where ‘Unable to purchase’ alert could be displayed after successful purchase

For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:


You can also download iOS 5.1.1 directly through links provided at this MacRumors article.

iPad with Verizon LTE Speed Test, Miami edition.

I am in Miami, Florida on assignment. Being here and the nature of the assignment remind me of RENO: 911!: Miami movie. Anyway, I am brining an iPad with Verizon LTE enabled. I did a few speed test and the screenshot below pretty much sums it all up. 15.96 Mbps down and 2.40 Mbps up.

First World Problem: Can’t access Netflix, again.

Truly a First World Problem. It’s the middle of the night, I’m working on something that involves a lot of waiting. I thought I’d pass some times by watching something on Netflix; then this happen:

There is a problem connecting to Netflix.


Recording using GarageBand on iPad.

One of the coolest feature of GarageBand is the ability to do multi-track recording. For quiete some times, I had been meaning to record a few song ideas and finally I did it today. This time I’m using GarageBand on iPad.

I am working on the arrangement of the song, For Now.


Carrier Settings Update for iPad LTE

I plugged in the iPad (4G LTE Verizon) a few minutes ago and it prompted me to update the carrier settings. I only have the Verizon version; does anyone with AT&T version get this update also?

I’m not sure when it was released, but it was packaged on April 2nd, 2012.