Bring your torches and pitchforks to AT&T as FCC might hear your complaints. The Verge reports that FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski that they would look into the complaints against AT&T.
In the meantime, Sign the petition at Free Press.
Now pointlessly enhanced with AI
Bring your torches and pitchforks to AT&T as FCC might hear your complaints. The Verge reports that FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski that they would look into the complaints against AT&T.
In the meantime, Sign the petition at Free Press.
Apple updates Podcasts App to version 1.1.1 on iPhone 5 release day.
WordPress 3.1.4 for iOS is available. I’m tempting to call it WordPress π for iOS.
As we have reported before, iOS 6, OS X 10.7.5, OS X 10.8.2 and iPhoto 9.4 are released today.
Build 10A403 for:
OS X Lion 10.7.5
OS X 10.8.2 Build 12C54
At time of this post, AT&T will only allow FaceTime over Cellular if customer subscribed to Mobile Share data plans. AT&T is restricting the use of FaceTime over Cellular network unless you pay more. In the mean time, other video communication apps such as Skype are not restricted.
Following the iPhone 5 announcement, Verizon and Sprint will allow FaceTime over Cellular on any data plans. It is time to ditch AT&T and take our business to Verizon or Sprint.
Back in October, 2011 I talked about the “Let’s talk iPhone.” event three days before the event was taking place. Obviously none of the three people who actually read my post believed what I said. Now, Apple is about to unveil the next iPhone, which would be called “iPhone ***” obviously. OK, I was just teasing, or Am I?
I have been pretty adamant about the name of the next iPhone. Every time someone said “iPhone 5”, I always said: “It’s out already, in 2011.”
It seems the people forgot that everyone called for “iPhone 5” last year. I did that too, until I was corrected by Right after the “Let’s talk iPhone.” invitations were sent out, I “overheard” “iPhone 4S” as the name of the next iPhone. It made a lot of sense since the test unit looked exactly like an iPhone 4 CDMA version.
This year, everyone once again called for “iPhone 5” as the next iPhone. Knowing that iPhone 4S is the fifth generation iPhone, then the next one should be the sixth generation. Never once I heard the mention of “iPhone 5” name from; it’s always “the next iPhone”. I have this gut feeling that the next iPhone will be called something other than the much expected “iPhone 5”.
Apple will be kicking the next iPhone production into high gear comes September, 2012. Other than that, there had been some hints of a new or “transitional” product coming before the holiday season. We all will find this out pretty soon.
The verdict is in, Samsung lost their case against Apple. Jury found Samsung guilty of infringing Apple’s Intellectual Property. It is pretty obvious that whatever the outcome would be, someone would file an appeal; in this case Samsung do.
I was following The Verge live coverage of the verdict when it happened.