Flickr 2.0 for iOS

Flickr 2.0 for iOS is now available.

What’s New in Version 2.00.762
The all-new Flickr App is a complete redesign of the previous version.  It’s now easier to use, more beautiful and includes more of the great features you love using on, including:

  • Simple sign-up and registration process
  • 16 unique camera filters
  • Full Groups capabilities
  • Explore interesting photos from around the world and nearby
  • And more!


Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.0: Hoth is here

Angry Birds Star Wars 1.1.0 is now available.

iPad | iPhone / iPod touch | Android | Windows | Mac | Windows Phone | Kindle Fire | Windows 8 Tablet

It is a dark time for the Rebellion. Evading the dreaded Imperial Starfleet, a group of freedom fighters has established a new secret base on the remote ice world of Hoth. Unfortunately the evil Darth Vader discovers their hideout, and the desperate Rebel birds must escape the AT-ATs and Pigtroopers hot on their trail.But the Rebels have an ace up their sleeve with the debut of PRINCESS LEIA!

Shiver through 20 new levels on the ice world of Hoth!

Pink bird stars as Princess Leia with an ATTRACTIVE new power!

Discover two new bonus levels!

Stay tuned for more epic adventures coming up soon!