Bite My Printed Paper Bender!

One thing that cheers me up right now is knowing someone took the time making a paper Bender and left it at the office. Working late at the office replacing a broken power supply off a server. In addition to that I just sanitized a site that was compromised.

You can download and make your own paper Bender from Cubecraft. Gold Bender from Universe-1 is also available.

While you’re there, give some love for Dr. Zoidberg and Blue Dr. Zoidberg from Universe-1.


One of my favorite bits of all time:

Fry: Yeah, it really puts you in the Christmas spirit.
Farnsworth: What-mas?
Fry: Christmas. You know? X-M-A-S.
Leela: Oh, you mean Xmas. You must be using an archaic pronunciation. Like when you say “ask” instead of “aks”.

That’s from “Xmas Story“, Futurama Season 2 Episode 8.

Happy Xmas!

Why not Zoidberg?

We saw the Meme and we knew we had to have it. My colleague printed it and covered the door window with it.

Why not Zoidberg?