Futurama: Saturday Morning Fun Pit

New Futurama episode titled: Saturday Morning Fun Pit

The Futurama gang stars in a trio of craptastic morning cartoons.

Futurama Saturday Morning Fun Pit


Purpleberry Pond

As a part of the “Futurama and Friends Saturday Morning Fun Pit,” Purpleberry Pond is a cartoon that teaches kids to eat right and have a good time.


Public Service Announcement

President Nixon issues a PSA during the Saturday Morning Fun Pit to show the youth of America that violence never solves anything.


Futurama: The Inhuman Torch

New Episode of Futurama titled: The Inhuman Torch

Bender becomes a famous firefighter, but the crew suspects him of arson.

Futurama The Inhuman Torch


Helium Mine

Shielded from the heat by a protective spray, Fry, Bender and Leela attempt to save a group of helium miners that are trapped inside the sun.


Hero Robot

Serving as firefighters, the Planet Express crew puts out fires all over the city, but Bender seems to be getting all of the credit.


Futurama, MakerBot, MacBook Air and Apple.

In Forty Percent Leadbelly episode, Futurama made mentions of MakerBot, MacBook Air and Apple.


The lines of codes in the screenshot below includes:


Futurama Forty Percent Leadbelly

Close to the end of the episode, Silicon Red mentions MacBook Air in his song as Bender’s funeral is Funded by Apple, Inc.; official designation is “Apple Inc.” (without the comma).

Futurama MacBook Air Apple Inc

By the way, Happy 4th of July, especially to the ones in The United States.
