Family Guy, Twentieth Century Fox, It’s A Trap and

Unlike the great Futurama team, those overpaid Family Guy team and Fox are too lazy to put anything up on those domains.

A little birdie who definitely has not been rummaging through John Jacobs’ desk sent a little tidbit about the upcoming release of Family Guy Star Wars Parody, titled: It’s A Trap!

Nothing is up yet, but the same birdie who definitely has not been going through Seth McFarlane’s MacBook Air said that Fox is planning to put something up on once the DVD is released.

It’s A Trap! is scheduled for release December 21st, 2010.

Wrong Again, Mr. Laporte; Angry Birds Seasons Edition.

In This Week In Google 71: rel nofollow, Leo Laporte hastily “celebrates” that Angry Birds Seasons is available on Android only.

That is odd because Rovio had this announcement:

Angry Birds Seasons is now available for download for iOS and Android devices! Initially launched in the App Store as Angry Birds Halloween, the game has been expanded with a brand new festive level pack Season’s Greedings.

Even after Gina Trapani asked if Angry Birds Seasons were available for the iPhone, neither Leo Laporte nor Jeff Jarvis said anything after. No one cared to check the story Laporte was quoting.

Angry Birds Season is available on iTunes App Store.

According to TWiT Wiki, TWiG 71 was recorded on December 1st, 2010. One day before Angry Birds Seasons was officially announced at Rovio’s Blog. The Unofficial Apple Weblog reported that Rovio would be adding the Christmas levels to Angry Birds Halloween.

The excerpt is taken from TWiG 71 at mark 1 hour, 6 minutes and 14 seconds.

“The Club” Episode 5, 6, 7 and 8.

Carlos Alazraqui and Ted Nicolaou collaborates on a new Comedy series which is now available on the web. The last 4 episodes of “The Club” on the web. Head out to for more info.

“The Club” Episode 5: Stalker Boobs

“The Club” Episode 6: Spiritual Advisor

“The Club” Episode 5: Stalker

“The Club” Episode 5: Showcase

South Park is sued for “What, What In The Butt” Parody Video.

It took more than two years for Brownmark Films to take South Park creators, Comedy Central and Viacom to court over a video parody that was done back in April 2008. Apparently the 30-something million views on YouTube and Billions of Theoretical Internet Dollars are not enough for Sam “Samwell” Norman and Brownmark Films.

From Hollywood Reporter:

……. “Courts have consistently recognized that parody enjoys broad protections under the First Amendment and the Copyright Act…….

….. old Q&A with the founders of Brownmark…….

What is Parody?

Parody: Fair Use or Copyright Infringement

Parodies in The United States Copyright Law – Wikipedia.


Editor’s note:
We believe that Parody is an art form and a protected from of free speech and expressions. Most of us had never heard of Samwell’s “What What (In the Butt)” video until it was parodied by South Park.

South Park: Season 14 Episode 14 – “Crème Fraiche”

South Park: Season 14 Episode 14 – “Crème Fraiche”
Stan’s life is a shambles both at home and in school. Randy’s obsession with the Food Network is changing everything. It even forces Sharon to explore a new interest of her own. When his mom takes off with her “new interest”, Stan is left behind to pick up the pieces.
Original Air Date: 2010-11-17

Do not bother searching “South Park S14E14” on Google or other search engines, because “Crème Fraiche” will be available for streaming on November 17th, 2010 11:59PM Pacific Time.

Preview “Crème Fraiche” here (“Daddy TV Time” – Randy interrupts Terrance and Phillip for some time with the television.)

Please check back for more South Park Episode News!

“Crème Fraiche” will be available for streaming on November 10th, 2009 11:59PM Pacific Time. You will watch it here (Flash Player required – if you want to watch it on your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad; you’re out of luck. Steve Jobs won’t let Flash on the iProducts. On the other hand, if you’re rocking Android 2.2 Froyo, you have Flash on your phone.) instead of downloading the episode from site like or By the way, Microsoft wants you to know that iPad sucks and do not buy it. Microsoft also says that whatever Microsoft is putting out will be light years better than anything Apple can ever release. You can watch South Park on the Non-Existent Microsoft device, but not on the iPad. Comedy Central urges you to not click on random links from some unknown sites. Instead you should watch it on your TV, or buy it!

From the Comedy Central Press Release:


NEW YORK, November 15, 2010 Randy cant get enough of the Food Network in an all-new episode of “South Park” titled, “Crème Fraiche,” premiering on Wednesday, November 17 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT on COMEDY CENTRAL.

Stans life is a shambles both at home and in school. Randys obsession with the Food Network Is changing everything. It even forces Sharon to explore a new interest of her own. When his mom takes off with her “new interest”, Stan is left behind to pick up the pieces.


  • “Crème Fraiche” is the 14th episode and finale of Season 14.
  • “Crème Fraiche” at Wikipedia.
  • Crème Fraiche” is French for “Fresh Cream.”
  • Food Network
  • Guy Fieri – Official Site | Wikipedia
  • Alton Brown – Official Site | Wikipedia
  • In any case that you cannot watch any episodes of South Park at South Park Studios, please be patient, Comedy Central would be really angry if you downloaded the episodes from places other than and iTunes Store or any online stores that generate revenue for Comedy Central. Please do not go to sites such as to download any of the episodes. Just because you can easily download the episodes from sites such as, it doesn’t mean Comedy Central say it is right.
  • As usual, this episode will be available for streaming at South Park Studios following the premiere on November 17th, 2010. Uncensored version will follow shortly after.
  • South Park: Season 14 Episode 14 uncensored version will be available purchase starting November 20th, 2010 at and iTunes Store.
  • Stay tuned for more info.

Public Service Announcement:

This episode will be available for streaming after the premiere on Wednesday November 17th, 2010 at South Park Studios. Flash Player is required even though Steve Jobs calls it a dying technology. Forget about watching the stream on your iPad.

Comedy Central Airing Schedule for South Park: Season 14 Episode 14 (Eastern and Pacific Time)

  • Wednesday November 17 2010 10:00PM
  • Thursday November 18 2010 12:00AM
  • Thursday November 18 2010 10:30PM
  • Sunday November 21 2010 11:00PM
  • Monday November 22 2010 04:00AM
  • Tuesday November 23 2010 12:00AM
  • Tuesday November 23 2010 10:30PM

Comedy Central strongly urges you not to download the episode from any sites such as or any other South Park related sites. Remember that unauthorized download of South Park episodes hurts Comedy Central and South Park team. It is very very wrong to download South Park Episodes from sites like, because Comedy Central would have to wait for another 2 months to get gold plated shark tank installed in their lobby. Instead, Comedy Central would like you to purchase the episode from vendors like or iTunes Store.


By the way, available now:

South Park: A Little Box Of Butters DVD
13 Episodes of Butters on 2 DVDs, and a few swags.
You can watch them all also at South Park Studios.

All episodes are remastered and presented in Widescreen ratio.


If you bought anything through Amazon link above, and I get some kickbacks.

“If you buy these DVD’s, I can buy a Canon Vixia HF S21” to paraphrase the great Robert Schimmel.