Apple releases iTunes 10.1.2 ahead of CDMA iPhone launch.

Apple releases iTunes 10.1.2 ahead if CDMA iPhone launch.

What’s new in iTunes 10.1.2

iTunes 10.1.2 syncs music, movies, and more with iPhone 4 (CDMA model) and provides a number of important stability and performance improvements.

iTunes 10.1 came with several new features and improvements, including:

  • Use AirPlay to instantly and wirelessly stream videos from iTunes to the all-new Apple TV.
  • Sync with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch with iOS 4.2.

iTunes 10.1.2 is available forMac OS X 10.5 or later, Windows XP/Vista/7.

Sony PSP2 Live Event.

I can’t sleep even though this cold is really wearing me down. So I’m trying to make myself a lot more tired by reading the live coverage for Sony PSP2 Live Event.

  • PlayStation Suite, contents will be made available on Android smart phones and tablets.
  • PlayStation Certified program
  • PlayStation Store is coming to Android devices, PlayStation1- level games.
  • Flash memory based, 3G and Wi-Fi.
  • 5-inch OLED Screen.

Well, I’m super tired, read more at Electronista.

Sony NGP (PSP2) official: 5-inch OLED and 3G rival the iPod
PlayStation Suite ports PS1 games to Android phones, tablets

The thing is that it won’t be out until later this year.

Dear Intel, what the hell are you thinking?

Intel teams hires of Black Eyed Peas fame as “director of creative innovation.”

I am not a corporate-minded person so I would never understand why Intel would do so.

Why of Black Eyed Peas?

  • Carlos Mencia is not available.
  • Kanye West is too expensive.
  • Kid Rock is too busy hanging out with strippers.
  • (insert remarks here)

I posted this because:

  • I am running out of ideas of what to write today.
  • I am actually sick with a cold.
  • There are other news, but it takes a lot of time to write about and this one is too easy.
  • Two of the above.

Back to bed.

The Big 4: April 23rd, 2011 – Indio, California.

Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth and Anthrax; collectively known as “The Big 4” have announced their only United States tour date.

Saturday April 23rd, 2010
Empire Polo Club
81-800 Avenue 51
Indio, CA 92201

Tickets are available on Ticketmaster starting 10:00 AM Friday January 28th, 2011.

I was told by a Danish Elf that the production for this tour is going to be huge. I think the ticket is going to be expensive.

The Big 4 tour is coming to the US, announcement on Tuesday January 25th, 2011.

Prepare to spend a lot of your hard-earned money to buy the ticket to The Big 4 US Tour. The Big 4 US Tour will be announced at 8:00 AM on Tuesday January 25th, 2011.

I was told by a Danish Elf that the production for this tour is going to be huge. I think the ticket is going to be expensive.

Back Tracking: Photos from Arnold Schwarzenegger First Gubernatorial Campaign

Long Beach – September 3rd, 2003

Then the actor best known as the Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger arrived at California State University, Long Beach campus to kicked off his campaign in the infamous Recall Election against incumbent Gray Davis. On November 17th, Schwarzenegger was sworn in as the 38th Governor of the State of California.

I was looking through the my archives and found some lower resolutions pictures of Schwarzenegger first campaign in the Recall Election.

View more pictures here.


Related Links:

Lower resolution photo on this post are available under Creative Commons License.

Higher resolutions photos are available upon request and approval, if I found them.

Twentieth Century Fox, apparently you missed one there.

Family Guy: It’s A Trap! is now officially released despite of some early leaks somewhere on the inter-tubes. Prior to the release of the DVD, a person who definitely did not attend the meeting between Seth McFarlane and John Jacobs informed us about a little joke within the movie. Similar to Futurama: Bender’s Big Score with mentions of, Family Guy: It’s A Trap! mentions as part of a joke. Twentieth Century Fox registered the domain name in advance of the release of the DVD.

Upon watching the actual movie, I found three other domain names within the jokes. They are:


Twentieth Century Fox for sure secured the domain names before the release of the DVD, didn’t they?

Unfortunately Twentieth Century fox missed one domain name, record was created back in November 18th, 2009 by somebody else.

Ah well, I’m going to watch the special features from Futurama Volume 5 DVD.