Chief Rodent Control Officer

A few years ago, our office was infested by rats. The infestation started when the building across from us were being renovated. It took us almost a year to clear out the infestation. We did open the wall to clear out these rodents.

A Rat inside a wall reaching into drainage pipe.

These days we still found a few rats on the warehouse; something that is apparently common with this type of building. We have exterminators pay a visit periodically preventing rat infestation.

Sometimes last year, I noticed a few cats in the building backyard. Anecdotally, I noticed that we had fewer incidents with rats since these cats “moved in” to our location.

Now I’m hiring one of them as Chief Rodent Control Officer.

It is an Orange Cat kind of day.

Well, today I visited a friend who happened to be an Orange Tabby. He might not be a pure Orange Tabby, legend has it that he shares a single brain cell with other Orange Cats. Well that’s not true, because apparently it is I who share a brain cell.

I forgot the password to a newly set-up computer and I had to reset it to make it useful. Later on, I did find the password, written on a note.

“What do you mean it is February already?”

Yep, it is February 1, 2025 already. One month into 2025 and it felt like forever.

Well, I get to see one of my animal friends today. She is one of the happiest dogs that I have ever known.

Tomorrow would be a milestone in Tech World, well at least the one that I covered for a long time.

Bird and Box

From the archive, taken on November 13, 2020 using Canon EOS 60D.

This is from the memory card I left in the camera. The last time I used it was sometimes in August 2022.

Fifth and Bananas for Scale, Woof!

We have a new addition to our team but we don’t ha a name badge for him yet. Bananas for scale.

To day is the last day of segmented working weeks due to holidays. We’re going back for a full week of workdays.

I have another iMac to work on this week.

Canadian Geese, Walk!

4 Canadian Geese

Canadian Geese are so polite and know how to use crosswalk. They started crossing the street when the walk-sign turned to green. They did take their time.

Song in the video: “Walk” by Pantera.

2021, Day Three

Southern California Sunset

A lot of things happened on the first Sunday of 2021 in the news. I won’t get to that since you can search for them.

I was cleaning my 2014 MacBook Pro as it has accumulated a lot of dust inside.

Cleaning MacBook Pro
Cleaning MacBook Pro

Elliot is staying with us for the next few days.

Elliot Spritzer T. Kitten
Elliot Spritzer T. Kitten

The (funny) Allen Tire Company is at it again.

Allen Tire Company Private Sign
Allen Tire Company Private Sign