I saw this at an electronic store with name that rhymes with “fries” and wondered who in their right mind bought System Mechanic. It costs $19.95 for 1 computer. The reviews at Amazon.com say it all.
Seriously, who’s actually buying this?
Now pointlessly enhanced with AI
I saw this at an electronic store with name that rhymes with “fries” and wondered who in their right mind bought System Mechanic. It costs $19.95 for 1 computer. The reviews at Amazon.com say it all.
Seriously, who’s actually buying this?
The tweet was sent by @Slayer and somehow Flipboard displayed the picture of falsetto-abusing talentless hack.
Photo was edited using Photolettering.
Yet another death knell for journalism as we know it.
From Bloomberg:
Apple’s Planned ‘IWatch’ Could Be More Profitable Than TV
Let’s see what’s wrong with this piece of bullpie journalism.
First, the Apple TV set which should not be confused with Apple TV, has been rumored since early 2000’s. All the fake spy-photos from Apple pre-Macworld keynote were circulating around like venereal diseases. Then the cry-wolf-poster-boy with initials “J.C.” was making up the whole Apple Television set rumor in mid 2000’s. The rumor has gone full swing since the release of Walter Isaacson’s Steve Jobs biography, saying that Jobs “finally cracked it.”
Apple “accidentally” created a watch with the release of 6th generation iPod nano. As the first idea of iPod nano watchband was uttered, it became a hit. Rumors of Apple “smart watch” hit another high point as AppleInsider uncovered Apple’s patents that might be used in creating “iWatch”, a newly fabled Apple product.
Both Apple TV set and Apple iWatch are nothing but rumors; yet Bloomberg has the gall to run with the story. It’s all about imaginary products that could make imaginary revenues. All based on rumors.
Apple files a lot of patents and lots of them never made into real products. Lots of them take years before implemented into real products. Where’s the LCD Display has camera embedded in it?
What’s next?
The hypothetical Apple Car could make Apple a lot of hypothetical revenues?
I can smell conflict of interest paired with jackassery on an article at GigaOM which I will not link here. The post is titled “Browsing the web on an iPad stinks–and Apple likes it that way” and written by a guest contributor who has a personal agenda. This particular GigaOM guest contributor is either clueless or shilling for his own company. Badmouthing mobile Safari while selling a native iOS app for web-content delivery.
For that this GigaOM guest contributor has a place in the litter box.
Shame on you GigaOM for publishing an advertisement disguised as a poorly written article.
You’ve got to be kidding me!
I’d really want to title this post: “Shit Slashdot Say” but it wouldn’t be fair to the rest of Slashdot users.
To be honest, are there any actual Mac users other than the one Slashdot user imagined angered by Apple by silently shutting down Java 7? In addition to that, the posting on Slashdot was 2 days late. Oracle released Java 7 Update 13 on February 1, 2013. Typical Apple-hating Slashdot user.
Now if only Meatloaf is here to give them the “You’ve gotta be kidding me!” award.
Forbes deserves an F.U. Award for publishing anything that Peter Cohan ever written. Peter Cohan is on a personal quest to get Tim Cook fired from Apple.
Baseless personal opinion has no place in journalism.
I am still loopy from all the sedatives the veterinarian is giving me. I have an IV in my front right leg. Even with all that I can tell if something is not right. Why would anyone report the “iPhone Math” gibberish as news? I don’t think Apple would even codenamed an iPhone by “iPhone Math” in the lifetime of this Universe and the next few big bangs. I can come up with better fake news while I’m using my litter box.
Shame on you for reporting this as news!
OK, I have to get some rest. Meow!