Fancy Chocolate Candy
Some fancy Chocolate Candy I stumbled upon.
States of Raspberries
Three states of Raspberries.
Two Raccoons Sleeping in a Tree
Sometimes last week we found two raccoons sleeping in a tree. I took this photo with the the camera and lens I have in my bag.
Remember that the best camera is the one you have with you.
January 1, 2018
The first installment of Photo of the Day for 2018.
When I saw this scene, I told myself that I had to capture the moment.
Taken using an iPhone.
January 12, 2017: It is Raining
January 12, 2017
It is raining here in Southern California. As I parked my car, I saw the reflections on my Apple Watch. I took a few photos using an iPhone 7 Plus; and it took a few tries to get the the reflection right.
Back to Work in 2017
We’re back to work, officially on Tuesday, January 3, 2017. The sky was gloomy, somewhere in Southern California.
There were conversations about Star Wars, Carrie Fisher, Rogue One and Star War The Third Gathers: Backstroke of the West (link 1 | link 2). Those “Hopeless Situations” are hilarious.