Frustrating Headlines

The headline says:

Windows 8 is 84 percent less frustrating than Windows 7, report says

It is apparently a lot more frustrating trying to figure out what the headline is really saying. In addition to that how can one quantify frustation?

It is also apparent the study did not take into account all the frustation-filled phone called from people trying to figure out why they can’t find certain Control Panels in Windows 8.

Windows 8 on Fujitsu convertible tablet.

I just finished installing Windows 8 Developer Preview on a Fujitsu convertible tablet. Well, none of the tablet button is working yet, and I might need a new stylus.

Fujitsu LifeBook T4215

  • Intel Core 2 Duo T5500 @ 1.66GHz
  • 4 GB of RAM

The Metro interface is so frustrating to use without a capacitive screen.