700 miles down, 160 miles to go.

I left for Los Angeles, California from Boise, Idaho early this morning. A lot of pictures taken along the way, some are totally unusable, some are fine and some I am really happy with.

The weather was good despite of being cold. It was only as low as 16 degree Fahrenheit.

In the middle of the trip, the Virgin Mobile MiFi stopped working. I had to rely on my phones for Internet access.

Idaho, Oregon and Nevada; I am now back in California. There are 160 more miles to go till I get home. My colleague and I took turns driving. So far we’re pretty much on time.

It’s roughly a 860-mile trip from Idaho to California. Great view along the mountains.

On the road again.

I’m on the road heading back to homebase from an assignment on this holiday weekend. It will takes about 15 hours driving plus some stops. I’m hoping there wouldn’t be any big announcement on the tech world since I’d be having little Internet access on the road. There are still a lot of area uncovered by AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile and Verizon wireless Internet access.

Being on the road can be challenging especially without having access to the Internet, fast Internet. The place I’m staying somewhere in Idaho does not have Internet service. I am relying on my iPhone and Nexus One for Internet access. Surprisingly, AT&T has great service in the area surrounding Boise. On average I’m getting around 1.5 Mbps up and down on both the iPhone and the Nexus One. Corresponding through email and VOIP as if I’m on a better DSL service.

Anyway, I’ll be off in a few minutes heading back to Southern California.

p.s. to all my friends in Boise and surrounding area: Go Broncos!