and California, the Sales Tax War Rages On.

Previously on and California: terminates its Associates Program in California in response to Governor Jerry Brown signing the law that requires online retailers to collect sales taxes even though they don’t have any physical presence in California.

The New York Times reports that:

Amazon said this week that it would push a voter initiative in California that could eliminate sales tax for virtual sellers with only a modest physical presence in the state. founder and CEO Jeff Bezos supports the streamlined sales tax initiative, which should be legislated by the federal government.

Amazon cancels Affiliate Programs in Colorado citing new Tax Regulations as the cause.

It is not the first time Amazon cancels their Affiliate programs in certain States due to new Tax Regulations. This time Amazon cancels the Affiliate Program in the State of Colorado. Previously Amazon canceled Affiliate Program in the State of North Carolina and Rhode Island. This means that Peter Griffin, Glen Quagmire and Joe Swanson are not eligible to participate in Amazon Affiliate Program.

From Associates Agreement:

In addition, if at any time following your enrollment in the Program you become a resident of Colorado, North Carolina or Rhode Island, you will become ineligible to participate in the Program, and this Operating Agreement will automatically terminate, on the date you establish residency in that state. In addition, you must promptly notify us in writing of your Colorado, North Carolina or Rhode Island residency, which you may do via the Contact Associates Customer Service form available here.

Starting June 1st, 2008  Amazon started collecting sales tax for any orders shipped within the State of New York. Amazon threatened to cancel Affiliate Program but opted to collect the sales tax. Amazon has filled a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the Tax Regulations.

The State of California is considering a bill that requires out-of-State online retailers to collect sales Tax for any fulfilment within the Sate of California. If and when such bill passed by California Government, Amazon has to reconsider its business strategy considering the large amount of sales generated by its Affiliate Programs.



37prime participates in Amazon Affiliate Program.