Damn your marketing scheme, Best Buy!

I went to Best Buy on Thursday evening because they sent me a $5 coupon. I decided to get an SDHC Card for my DSLR Camera. I have been using SanDisk SDHC for a long time, so it was the one I was looking for. Then I found these:


I’ve never heard of this Sandisk Pixtor. It looks identical with the Sandisk Ultra and so do the specs on the back.

So, what’s the difference between the two?

The price!

Sandisk Pixtor SDHC 8GB is $9.99 on sale, and $24.99 regular price.

Sandisk Ultra SDHC 8GBis $24.99, not on sale.



I looked for “Pixtor” on Sandisk website and found nothing.

SanDisk dot com no Pixtor

I assume that the “Pixtor” line is an exclusive Best Buy only branding.

Damn your marketing scheme, Best Buy!

MacBook Pro and SanDisk Extreme SSD 480 GB

I’ve been getting a lot of request lately to install Solid State Disk (SSD) on laptops, especially MacBook Pro. One of my current favorite model is SanDisk Extreme SSD. This particular MacBook Pro is now armed with SanDisk Extreme SSD 480 GB. I also installed 8 GB of RAM.

MacBook Pro SanDisk SSD

Short of installing fresh Operating System per owner’s request, I use Carbon Copy Cloner. The only problem is that it took 8 hours to clone 400 GB of data through FireWire 800.


Extreme Deal: SanDisk Extreme SSD on Amazon.

SanDisk Extreme SSD is on sale for one day only on Amazon.com.

The one day sale is part of Gold Box Deal of the Day.

I have bought the 240 GB and the 480 GB in the past.

SanDisk SSD Toolkit

I purchased SanDisk Extreme SSD 240 GB from Amazon and it was delivered shortly after WWDC 2012 Keynote. Prior to installing it on the MacBook Pro, I went to SanDisk site and download the latest firmware for this SanDisk Extreme SSD.

Mac users should update the firmware to the latest version before installing it on their Macs. That’s because the firmware updaters most likely requires Windows. The update process will wipe out the content of SSD.