Rants: Leo Laporte is getting it wrong, once again.

I’ve been meaning to write this since Leo Laporte opened his mouth about what Apple’s real direction.

Since the announcement of the iPad, Leo has been saying that it made sense that Apple dropped “Computer” from its name. Leo theorizes that Apple no longer wants to be a computer company and neglecting its Macintosh line. Eventually Apple will stop making Macintosh computer.

Leo passionately berates Apple for being unable to multitask just like its iPhone, iPod touch and iPad. It is a fallacy that the iPhone OS devices do nt multitask. I can browse the web and listening to TWiT podcast on the iPhone at the same time. I can talk on the phone and use Maps App at the same time. I can listen to some Bad Religion songs and twiterring via Twitteriffic App at the same time. The iPhone OS devices doesn’t allow third party apps to run in the background.

Let’s get back to the point. Apple is not neglecting their Macintosh product line. Apple is publicly focusing on one product at a time. As a company, Apple is making iPad as a showcase. Afterall, it is a brand new category in their product line-up. The MacBook Pro will get updated. The iMac will get updated. The Mac Pro will get updated. They all are updates to an existing product line. What about the iPhone? In my previous post I made the point that Leo has been making stuff up about Apple and its iPhone plan. Apple never announced any new iPhone in March/April timeframe as Leo adamantly insists. There will be a new iPhone this June or July and Apple will announce it at WWDC.

So, what about Leo’s opinion on Apple’s plan for its Macintosh line? Assuming that Leo is correct that Apple will cease making Macs and become a “consumer electronic” company, how would people making apps for the iP(hone/ode touch/ad)? Is leo assuming that iPhone OS SDK will be available on Linux and Windows? I am sure that it is not in Apple’s roadmap.

Apple is known for its lack of transparancy when it caomes to their products, at least under the second term of Steve Jobs regime (it does feel like a regime, in a way). Whatever happened to the long awaited MacBook Pro line? Intel has released its Arrandale CPU line for months now. Other PC makers already released notebook computer utilizing Intel’s latest offerings.

Leo, have you forgotten anything about a podcast about computer hardware? Let me refresh your memory. It is called “This Week in Computer Hardware” with Ryan Shrout and Leo Laporte. Wait a minute, you’re in it. In This Week in Computer Hardware 49: USB 3D, Ryan Shrout mentioned the integrated GPU in Arrandale CPU does not have supports for OpenCL. You know how much Apple is pushing for OpenCL adoption as standard. Since nVidia has exited computer chipset business thanks to the lawsuit from Intel. Apple is currently using nVidia GeForce 9400M integrated graphic chiset for most of its Macintosh line. Apple seems to be waiting for GPU solutions to be included in the next generations of Macintosh portables. Apple will not solely rely on Intel’s own Integrated Graphics that is built in to Arrandale CPU.

Leo Laporte is prone to rumors and speculations. Anyone remembers the infamous “zirconium” casing for the iPhone? What about the Apple Television set as rumored by attention-hungry Jason Calacanis. Leo also reported that “we” all knew that Apple has been buying some kind of touch screen for a device that no one knew existed. To be honest, Leo has been listening to Paul Thurrott way too much. I do sense that Leo disagrees with Thurrott, unfortunately Leo doesn’t stand his ground.

Leo Laporte has a Nationally syndicated radio show and a widely popular Internet-Media-Network (something to roughly replace the term Podcast Network). Should not Leo be more responsible in reporting the news?

Rants: Leo Laporte is wrong again.

Update: Adding the announcements of iPhone OS 2.0 and iPhone OS 3.0

I can not take Leo Laporte seriously anymore for Laporte keeps making stuff up.

I came up with this rant when I was listening to Leo Laporte’s various podcasts. Not once but multiple times on different podcasts, Leo insists that Apple always make iPhone announcement in March  for June/July release (particular audio sample taken from Leo Laporte – The Tech Guy 651, a Nationally syndicated radio show). I don’t want to waste more time listening to the podcasts again just to find the same thing Leo is saying with regard to iPhone announcement.

Since when Apple announced the iPhone in March every single year starting 2007?

Let’s see.

I do not see Apple announcing any iPhone anytime in March. Leo only got one thing right, the new iPhone was released during June/July timeframe. Leo Laporte, Sir you are still wrong.

Update: Apple gave a sneak preview to iPhone OS 3.0 on March 16th, 2009. Apple never mentioned what the next subsequent iPhone hardware would be. Based on one event, Leo managed to draw a conclusion to Apple’s hardware roadmap.


Leo Laporte is the host of Nationally Syndicated Radio Show.

Adam Carolla Podcast Tops iTunes Store.

It took less than a week after its debut, Adam Carolla Podcast tops iTunes Store Podcast Chart.


The recently laid-off by CBS Radio, Adam Carolla brings his shows exclusively on podcast. Recorded from Carolla’s own home, the podcast should help fans of the show from grieving from the show cancellations. Carolla is actually still under contract with CBS Radio until the end of 2009, thus the podcast will be commercial free. Since it is no longerbroadcasted on terrestrial radio, the show is no longer bound by FCC rules. That means no more bleeping and more swearing. Take that, FCC!

Leo Laporte mentioned Adam Carolla Podcast on TWiT 184.

For more Adam Carolla, head to:


Adam Carolla and Tom Leykis Get The Pink Slips

Adam Carolla Show and Tom Leykis Show are cancelled. Head to 971freefm.com for the final Live Webcast.


Tom Leykis starts Thursday show with “Leykis 101” and he is planning to talk about the future of the show at 5PM Pacific Time. Leykis has a “no-cut contract” until 2011.

Starting Friday February 20th, 2009 at 05:00PM, KLSX as we know it will cease to exist. CBS Radio, the parent company of KLSX is set to throw away the FM Talk Radio format and replace it with Top 40 Radio.

Way to stand out from any other radio stations, CBS. Tag, end sarcasm.

This change of format left number of hosts losing their jobs, notably Adam Carolla and Tom Leykis. Along with Carolla and Leykis, the casualty list extends to Frosty Stilwell, Heidi Hamilton, Frank Kramer (all three from “Frosty, Heidi & Frank” show), Tim Conway Jr., and to some extent Danny Bonaduce.

CBS Radio feels the urge to “amp-up” their bottom line by switching to AMP-Radio format, all Top 40 all the time.

Let’s see how the FM Radio Market look like in Southern California. They are either playing the same “Top 40” junks or speaking something other than English. Congratulations CBS Radio, you’ve just blended in perfectly with everybody else. By the way, I can still listen to podcasts and there are great Internet Radio Station such as Pandora and Last FM. I’d like to mention that I have an extensive collection of music on my shelf, I’ll just listen to them instead of your “top” 40 radio.

Adam Carolla has announced that he’d be going the Leo Laporte way and producing his own podcast at www.adamcarolla.com.

Tom Leykis is expected to make announcement on his plan after being booted of CBS Radio. The Tom Leykis Show is popular with 24-to-54-year-old-men demographic.

Stay tuned.