iTunes 11.3.1

iTunes 11.3.1

Apple released iTunes 11.3.1

iTunes 11.3.1 addresses a problem where subscribed podcasts may stop updating with new episodes and resolves an issue where iTunes may become unresponsive while browsing your podcasts episodes in a list.

Leo Laporte To Guest On Adam Carolla Podcast

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Get the episode here or subscribe to Adam Carolla Podcast on iTunes.

The taping was moved to 2:30PM

Leo Laporte is set to be the guest of Adam Carolla Podcast on Wednesday March 4th, 2009 at 3-4PM Pacific time. As usual, Laporte is scheduled to broadcast the taping at

Adam Carolla Radio Show was recently taken off the air by CBS Radio due to format changes, has taken his show straight to the fans through podcasting. Carolla is still under contract with CBS Radio until the end of 2009; this means Carolla can not put any advertising on his podcast. One notable change from the syndicated radio show, the podcast is not bound by FCC rules; thus no bleeps would be used. Subscribe to Adam Carolla Podcast on iTunes.

Adam Carolla

Leo Laporte

iPhone OS 2.2 Gallery

A few screenshots from iPhone OS 2.2 features.

Turning Auto-Correction On/Off

Podcasts Support in iTunes

Updates to Safari

iPhone Safari still fails Acid3 Tests

Gmail database in Safari

Maps Applications with Google Street View