South Park: Season 16 Episode 12 – “A Nightmare on Facetime”

South Park: Season 16 Episode 12 – “A Nightmare on Facetime” | video stream | iTunes | Amazon
The boys are all ready to dress up as their favorite foursome, the Avengers, for Halloween. After months of planning their costumes, at the last minute Randy tells Stan he can’t go trick or treating with his friends. Instead, Stan has to pitch in and help his father with a new business venture.
Original Air Date: 2012-10-24 | Press Release

Watch “A Nightmare on Facetime” stream on South Park Studios starting Wednesday October 24th, 2012 at 11:00 p.m. Pacific Time until Tuesday October 30th, 2012.

You can search for “South Park S16E12“, but you will not find any leaks before the episode aired. You can watch the preview, though.

A Nightmare on Facetime” Preview
“Trick or Treat” – The boys head out for a night of Trick or Treating as the Avengers. (Flash | MP4)


Images are courtesy of South Park Studios.


Amazon has South Park DVD’s on sale this week (for the week of September 24th, 2012)

South Park: The Complete Fifteenth Season  – $19.85

No Microsoft, you didn’t Bing It On.

First I saw the promoted Tweet in my feed:


Then it came down to this:

Bing lost to Google.

I searched for “Natalie Portman Ridiculous Movie” back in February 2011, and Google returned results that mentioned “Your Highness” movie.

Sorry Microsoft, you lost… this time…again.

It sounds less creepy saying “I’ll Google it” compared to “I’ll Bing it.”

A Dark Night.

The news about shooting at a screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” broke a bit after Midnight, July 20th, 2012. According to reports, 12 people died and 58 others wounded.

Some are quick to point their fingers, blaming the movie itself. Blaming a movie for violence is the same as blaming a song for violence.

It was one dark night for moviegoers all around the world.