Adobe Executives are really excited over RIM PlayBook and Motorola Xoom.

According to a highly unreliable source, Adobe Executives are really about either RIM PlayBook and Motorola Xoom. I would guess Adobe is excited about both products for one main reason: Flash Player.

I had a brief encounter with one of the Adobe Executives in 2010 and he was not a fan of Apple iPad at all.

We will see if both RIM PlayBook and Motorola Xoom can deliver great Adobe Flash experience.

Editor’s note:
The information was received back in November 2010.

Motorola Sues Apple for Patent Infringements.

Motorola announces that they are suing Apple.

LIBERTYVILLE, Ill. – Oct. 6, 2010 – Motorola, Inc. (NYSE: MOT) today announced that its subsidiary, Motorola Mobility, Inc., has filed a complaint with the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) alleging that Apple’s iPhone, iPad, iTouch and certain Mac computers infringe Motorola patents. Motorola Mobility also filed patent infringement complaints against Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) in the Northern District of Illinois and the Southern District of Florida.

iTouch? What is that? There’s the iPod Touch.

Overall, Motorola Mobility’s three complaints include 18 patents, which relate to early-stage innovations developed by Motorola in key technology areas found on many of Apple’s core products and associated services, including MobileMe and the App Store. The Motorola patents include wireless communication technologies, such as WCDMA (3G), GPRS, 802.11 and antenna design, and key smartphone technologies including wireless email, proximity sensing, software application management, location-based services and multi-device synchronization.

MobileMe and App Store? This is interesting how Motorola sees it this way.

The timing couldn’t be any more convenient, just five days after Microsoft filed suits against Motorola. Any lawsuits takes time to prepare, Motorola wouldn’t have come up with the idea of suing Apple in just 5 days.

Without looking into the patents that Motorola alleged Apple infringes upon, so far it sounds pretty ridiculous. It is true that Apple came into the mobile phone business much later than Motorola. It is also true that the original iPhone is the first of what most smartphone today look and operate like. Motorola lawsuit against Apple is just as ridiculous as Microsoft lawsuit against Motorola.

In Motorola’s defense, they do make phones with physical keyboards.


Steve Ballmer wants Microsoft to regain “Evil Company” Title by threatening Android.

In recent Interview with The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says that there are licensing fees for Android.

WSJ: Are you trying to protect Windows or do you see Windows Phone 7 as a big revenue opportunity in and of itself?

Mr. Ballmer: No, I see it as a big opportunity. There’s the sale of the device, there’s potential for search revenue on top of that and commerce revenue. There’s potential for subscription revenue from various entertainment or productivity experiences.

Job One here will be selling a lot of phones, and if we sell a lot of phones, good things are going to happen.

WSJ: You’re still charging a license fee for the software.

Mr. Ballmer: Sure.

WSJ: Is that difficult in an environment where Android is free?

Mr. Ballmer: Android has a patent fee. It’s not like Android’s free. You do have to license patents. HTC’s signed a license with us and you’re going to see license fees clearly for Android as well as for Windows.

Since Google is not charging any licensing fees, then who is?

Well, Microsoft is currently going after Motorola for making Android phones. Motorola currently does not making any phones based on Windows Phone 7 platform.

Microsoft had signed “Patent deal” with HTC over Android. Some pundits “cheered” this move as a way for HTC to fend off Apple on the ongoing lawsuit.

Microsoft is poised to regain the “Evil Company” title with this move if only if the consumer cares about the issue. Unfortunately some influential Tech-Elitists are not saying anything much about Microsoft asserting “ownership” over Android and Linux.

Where’s The Outrage? Microsoft is going after Motorola for Android.

Fortune reports that Microsoft is going after Motorola for Patent violations related to Android. Apparently Motorola won’t be going the Windows Phone 7 way in favor of Android. It is obvious that Microsoft is losing the grip and going lawsuit happy.

Anyone remembers that HTC signed a “Patent deal” related to Android with Microsoft? I really thought that Android is an Open Source Project led by Google. How can Microsoft asserting Patent right to someone else’s product?

Well, Microsoft has been claiming that another Open Source Project named Linux is violating their Patents. Novell was quick to “collaborate” with Microsoft. Linus Torvald disagrees.

There are a lot of people who feel disgusted with Apple suing HTC, and a lot of them cheered when HTC signe a deal with Microsoft. What is wrong with this picture? It is just like defending a castle from attacks by surrendering to another enemy with a bigger army. You still lose!

Shame on you, Microsoft. Is this how you innovate?