Troubleshooting Mac OS X Display Resolutions

iMac G5 1.83 GHz
20 inch display
GeForce FX 5200 64MB VRAM

Mac OS X 10.4.8 with all the lates updates as of 12.26.2006

For some reasons the Displays System Preferences only allowed two different resolutions: 640×480 and 1680×1050.

None of the following steps able to fix the problems:

  • Deleting display preferences ( etc)
  • Replace Display.prefPane (/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Displays.prefPane)
  • Resetting NVRAM
  • Zapping PRAM
  • Use AppleJack to repair permissions, etc.

The solutions is much simpler than the steps above. Install Mac OS X 10.4.8 Combo Updater again.

iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1

About iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1

The iPod shuffle Reset Utility restores First Generation iPod shuffle. The restore process completely erases all music and data on iPod shuffle and reinstalls software version 1.1.5.
iPod shuffle Reset Utility logo

iPod shuffle Reset Utility is only for First Generation 512MB and 1GB iPod shuffle. Any other iPod, including Second Generation iPod shuffle is not supported. If you are not sure which iPod you have, see Apple Support document 61688: Identifying different iPod models

iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1 for Macdownload (2.1MB)
iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1 for Windowsdownload (1.5MB)

Use the iPod shuffle Reset Utility to fix the following issues:

  • With the iPod shuffle switched on, pressing the Play button will cause amber and green LEDs to flash for a few seconds, and the unit will not play any music, nor can you sync music to it from iTunes.
  • On a Windows PC, iPod shuffle will appear in My Computer as a “Removable Disk,” however the iPod shuffle volume will not mount correctly. The unit is listed in Device Manager under “Disk Drives” as “Apple iPod USB Device.”
  • On a Mac, the unit will only be recognized in Apple System Profiler under Hardware -> USB and will not appear or mount in the Finder.
  • When attempting to restore, the unit may not be recognized at all. However, if it is recognized, the restore may fail with an error dialog “Firmware update failure. Disk write error” or another error. It may take 3 restore attempts before the error appears. Note: iPod shuffle may take several minutes to be recognized.

iPod shuffle Reset Utility ©2006 Apple Computer, Inc.

VMware Fusion for Mac Public Beta is Available for Download

VMware has made its desktop virtualization program for Mac OS X available for public testing.

Fusion Beta
Beta Version | 12/21/06 | Build 36932


Related news:
New Parallels Desktop for Mac beta is available for downloads.

Related Product:
Parallels Desktop for Mac

Parallels Desktop for Mac

Linksys WRT54G V1.1, WPA, and Airport Extreme Incompatibility

There were times when I was not able to connect my PowerBook G4 and MacBook Pro to certain WPA-enabled Wireless Access Point. I would guess that there’s some kind incompatibility of the WPA implementation between the Access Point and Airport Extreme driver.

The equipments:

  • Linksys WRT54G V1.1 with firmware version 4.30.5, WPA-TKIP enabled
  • 15″ PowerBook G4 1.67GHz, Radeon Mobility 9700, 1440×960, Mac OS X 10.4.8 with all the latest updates (12.19.2006)
  • 15″ MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.0GHz, Radeon X1600, Mac OS X 10.4.8 with all the latest updates (12.19.2006)
  • 15″ MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.0GHz, Radeon X1600, Boot Camp 1.1.2 beta, Windows XP with SP2

Both the PowerBook G4 and the MacBook Pro (Mac OS X 10.4.8) were unable to connect to the Wireless Access Point when WPA is enabled. Both Macs could connect Wireless Access Point without any problems when the wireless encryption was turned off.

I booted up Windows XP on the MacBook Pro, and had no problems connecting to Wireless Access Point with or without the wireless encryption.

I didn’t have the problem when connecting to Linksys WRT54G V3 or higher.


MacBook Pro and DLink DWL-514 Incompatibility


MacBook Pro Core 2 Duo @

Macbook Core 2 Duo @

Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is released with Windows Vista support and ssecurity updates.

Get it at

Available for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and More.

Release Notes:

Fixed in Firefox

  • XSS using outer window’s Function object
  • RSS Feed-preview referrer leak
  • Mozilla SVG Processing Remote Code Execution
  • XSS by setting img.src to javascript: URI
  • LiveConnect crash finalizing JS objects
  • Privilege escallation using watch point
  • CSS cursor image buffer overflow (Windows only)
  • Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:

Microsoft Releases Updates for Mac Office (12.19.2006)

Microsoft releases updates for Mac Office v.X and 2004 today. Microsoft pulled previous update citing that the patches were not thoroughly tested and not ready for deployment. Later, Microsoft Macintosh Business Unit clarified that there is nothing wrong with the patches.

From The Office for Mac Team Blog:

You can download them for Office 2004 and for Office v. X (and the Office 2004 updater should be available via Microsoft AutoUpdate as well). These updates can be applied whether or not you installed the pre-release updaters that were briefly available last week.


Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.3.2 Update (12.19.2006)

This update contains several improvements for PowerPoint and Entourage.

Applies to: Office 2004 Standard Edition, Office 2004 Student and Teacher Edition, Office 2004 Professional Edition, Word 2004, Excel 2004, PowerPoint 2004, Entourage 2004.


Microsoft Office v. X for Mac Update (2006-12-19)

This update contains several improvements to enhance stability in PowerPoint.

Applies to: Office v. X, Microsoft Word X for Mac, Microsoft Excel X for Mac, Microsoft PowerPoint X for Mac, Microsoft Entourage X for Mac.Requirements: