Nine Inch Nails: Remixes by Fans

Trent Reznor has been providing Nine Inch Nails multi-track files for the fans to remix. The first track was made available was “The Hand That Feeds” back in 2005. A few years later, more songs are made available for fans to remix, deconstruct, reconstruct, rearrange, etc.

Head over to to listen to tons of fans remixes of Nine Inch Nails songs.

I did a few remixes of Nine Inch Nails songs, and I want to share the first remix of “The Hand That Feeds” I did back in 2005.

Download more of Nine Inch Nails multi-track files here ( Available for GarageBand, Logic, and other applications.

Also download the multi-track files here (

Canon HG10: The Screen Control

For those who consider buying Canon HG10, check out a short video of the screen control. The Video is taken using Panasonic HDC-SD5, another AVCHD camcorder. This one is almost like a double reviews. Check out the control on Canon HG10 and the video sample from Panasonic HDC-SD5.

The Screen Control

Get it here (27.6MB)

About the video clip:

  • Recorded in 1080i AVCHD using Panasonic HDC-SD5
  • Imported using iMovie ’08 in 1920×1080 resolutions
  • Exported to H.264 with 960×540 resolutions

Canon HG10 AVCHD Camcorder: Video Transfers

In a continuing review of AVCHD Camcorders, let’s take a look at at transferring videos from Canon HG10 to the computer.

AVCHD camcorders are typically equipped with and connect to computers via USB 2.0 port. Canon HG10 is a hard-drive-based AVCHD camcorder, and the only way to transfer the data from the hard drive is to connect it to the computer via USB 2.0 port. That’s excluding the options to open up the camcorder, take out the hard-drive, mount it in an external USB 2.0 (or FireWire; but importing is not supported), and then connect it to the computer. Don’t do that. Just connect the camcorder to the computer via USB 2.0 port.

One other important note is that the camcorder has to be connected to the power source in order to “import” the video clips.

The placement of the USB 2.0 port of Canon HG10 is a little bit awkward. The USB port is located on the inside, covered by the LCD screen. It is not the best place for the USB port.


Once the camcorder is connected, turn the camera to “PLAY” mode.

Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8 Platinum Edition can natively read movies in AVCHD format, it can directly read the “.mts” files. It takes a relatively short time to import the video clips from the camera to Sony Vegas. Sony Vegas users can copy the AVCHD folder to another hard drive, then import the video clips from the hard drive instead of the camcorder.

Mac users are at a disadvantage, because iMovie ’08, Final Cut Express 4, and Final Cut Pro 6 do not recognize the “.mts” files. Those Mac programs have to convert the AVCHD videos on the fly during imports. Because of this, the import process on the Mac is taking a lot longer in contrast to Sony Vegas. After all, AVCHD is developed by Sony and Panasonic. There are other ways to make the process a little bit easier for Mac users, I will get to that later.

Buy Sony Vegas Movie Studio 8 Platinum Edition from
Buy Final Cut Express 4 from

Waiting for New MacBook Pro (2008)

UPDATE (2008.02.26):
It is finally here. Both MacBook and MacBook Pro are updated. Stay tuned for more informations, I’m getting a MacBook and MacBook Pro, but not spending my own money.

UPDATE (2008.02.19):
03:58 AM PST Apple Online Store is closed for updates. “This is it!”, as I wished.

UPDATE (2008.02.16):
The current MacBook Pro are indeed being “phased out”. is pricing both 2.2GHz and 2.4GHz 15-inch models at $1,987.41 and $2,447.41 respectively (note the $7.41 at the end of the pricing). Other reports that the one store I don’t want to shop in is having the 15″ MacBook Pro backordered. According to the fake information, the new MacBook Pro will have a slightly different build of Mac OS X 10.5.2 installed due to some new drivers inclusions. Two more Tuesday left in February, and my imaginary source reveals that Apple intends on releasing the new MacBook Pro in February. Most likely there wouldn’t be any fanfare because the iPhone SDK reveal is a much bigger news item.

UPDATE (2008.02.12):
Apple Online Store closed for updates, then reopened. No MacBook Pro yet. It’s Aperture 2.
Apple, I’m/We’re still waiting!

UPDATE (2008.02.11):
Mac OS X 10.5.2 (Build 9C31) is released, one day early as expected. MacBook Pro this Tuesday? My imaginary source says so.

Mac OS X 10.5.2 Build 9C31

UPDATE (2008.02.07):
Developer builds of Mac OS X 10.5.2 is still being worked on. The build 9C31 might become the shipping version. This mean that Apple will be able to ship The new MacBook Pro with Mac OS X 10.5.2 next week.

UPDATE (2008.02.05)two:
Supposed release date for new MacBook Pro 2008 is on 2008.02.12 (Tuesday).

UPDATE (2008.02.05)one:
Apple Online Store is closed for product updates. No MacBook Pro, just 16GB iPhone and 32GB iPod touch.
Apple Store is closed - 2008.02.05

UPDATE (2008.02.03):
Unconfirmed fake information. “Tuesday morning is good for insomniac, watch it closed.”
(editorial: Which Tuesday? Thanks for the vague info.)

UPDATE (2008.02.01):
Another whispers from the imaginary source, Apple is planning to ship the New MacBook Pro with Leopard 10.5.2 pre-installed.

UPDATE (2008.01.30):
Words from the fake and imaginary source (wink-wink) that “Good MacBook Pros come to those who waits, soon though.”

MacWorld San Francisco 2008 came and went. “There’s something in the air”; and there were mixed emotions. “Time Capsule” is nice, a combination of Network Attached Storage (NAS) and wireless base station; with premium price. The iPhone Software update is really nice. Several new features, and reportedly brought many bricked iPhones back to life; a sad day for Apple haters. The “January Software Upgrade” for iPod touch is nice, but not that nice. Apple is charging $19.99 for five applications for the iPod touch. Apple’s interpretation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act seems to be the reason why Apple is charging for the new apps for iPod touch. Sounds like Apple is experimenting with selling applications for the iPhone and iPod touch through iTunes Store. AppleTV gets a makeover, and suddenly becomes a lot more attractive. AppleTV is getting the upgrades for free, and the people rejoices. iTunes Movie Rentals is a welcomed addition to Apple services, there’s a price for convenience. One can only hope that this service will get better with time. After all, Apple is getting full supports from all major movie studios. MacBook Air is a sleek, sexy and desirable addition to the portable Mac line-up. Not for everyone, but it is a feat in design and engineering.

Let’s see.

  • I have my iPhone upgraded to version 1.1.3 for free. That’s great. In addition to that, I love the new map application.
  • I have been waiting to get a new wireless router, since I sold my Airport Extreme Base Station (802.11n – 100mbps ethernet). I know I’m getting Time Capsule. I’ve been happy with the Airport Extreme Base Station, because it’s been the best wireless router I ever had. Costs more, but worth it.
  • I don’t have iPod touch, but I do feel that the price for the application upgrade is too steep. I wrote a rant on this, will post it in the near future.
  • AppleTV and iTunes Movie Rentals; I love them. I don’t have any plan on buying AppleTV anytime soon, but that might change. iTunes movie rental service actually piques my interest.
  • MacBook Air is a nice one, but I would like to skip it this time. Why? Because I’m waiting for new MacBook Pro.

I currently own a MacBook Pro Core Duo. I ordered it the moment it was announced at MacWorld San Francisco 2006. It’ll be two years old soon. As a matter of fact, I’m using it to write this. It’s not that it has a problem, it’s just wouldn’t handle the type of work I’m doing right now. I need more processing power. Intel Core Duo is a little bit under-powered by comparisons. I could’ve bought the current MacBook Pro, but I know that Apple has been working on new MacBook Pro line-up.
I am not alone waiting for the new MacBook Pro. I have been telling Carrie to wait for a new Mac since August 2007. I know that it is worth all the wait.

According to my imaginary source who is allegedly working at Apple’s Executive Office, the upcoming MacBook Pro will have the followings:

  • Multi-touch/multi-gesture trackpad (just like the one in MacBook Air)
  • Penryn-based 45nm Intel Processor (no, it’s not going to be Quad-core).
  • Faster FSB, DDR-800 RAM.
  • Slightly higher resolution display on the 15-inch model (1080p compliant).
  • Anodized color other than silver.
  • Something about the USB ports.
  • …….

For your reference, check MacRumors: Buyer’s Guide.

Family Guy: Blue Harvest – Fox Digital Copy

As previously reported, “Family Guy: Blue Harvest” DVD-set includes a second disc that contains a “digital copy” of the feature. The “digital copy” is compatible with iTunes and Windows Media Player. The digital copy then can be played in video-playing-iPods, iPhone, and any compatible PlayForSure device.

Blue Harvest - 2 DVD Discs and the Code

Each DVD package comes with a serial number that can be used once in iTunes or Windows Media Player to decrypt the “digital copy” and apply corresponding DRM on it. For example, if you’re using Windows Media Player to access the “digital copy”, it will extract and decrypt it from the disc and apply PlayForSure DRM on it. The serial number that comes with the DVD package can only be used once for one format only; iTunes or PlayForSure compatible format.

Family Guy - Fox Digital Copy Family Guy blue Harvest iTunes 7.6 - Family Guy: Blue Harvest - Chapters

< ?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>



md5=”8b1c8432da51963a2e353a235a0d063a” length=”520081073″/>

Family Guy: Blue Harvest comes in two flavors; Regular and Special Edition. The Special Edition comes with limited edition collectibles:

  • Collector’s T-Shirt (100% cotton, Black, XL)
  • 3D Glasses
  • 12 Collector’s trading cards (in same style as original Star Wars trading cards) that form a 3D scene on the back
  • 20-page “Art of Family Guy Presents: Blue Harvest” booklet including sketches, notes and a letter from Seth MacFarlane

Blue Harvest Special Edition

Blue Harvest in Windows

Blue Harvest - Windows Media Player or iTunes

Blue Harvest DRM in Windows

Blue Harvest - iPhone

Blue Harvest - iPhone Chapters

Fox/iTunes Store Blunder on

Fox’s “Family Guy: Blue Harvest” DVD pack includes a digital copy of the movie that can be transferred using iTunes or Windows Media Player.

For some reasons, iTunes Store is listing the wrong URL for the DVD Promotional site.

It’s supposed to be, instead it’s missing an “s” and you’ll end up in a domain squatter’s heaven.

Family Guy - Join The Empire Sweepstakes

The correct sweepstakes address is