Futurama: “Bender’s Game” is Released!

“Good News, Everyone!”

The third installment of Futurama Movie is now released. “Bender’s Game” is available in DVD and Blu-ray format. The Blu-ray version is in High-Definition if it’s not “Beyond High-Definition”.

Get it at your local retail store or buy it from Amazon.com:

For more fun, visit ILoveBender.com or send Bender an email (bender@ilovebender.com).

Bender's Game

Bender's Game (Blu-ray)



If you bought anything through Amazon link above, and I get some kickbacks.

“If you buy Futurama DVD and Blu-ray, I can buy a Blu-ray player to play Futurama Blu-ray.” to paraphrase the great Robert Schimmel.