DNS Routing Problem on Wednesday, March 25, 2015.

On Wednesday, March 25, 2015, several DNS servers were having trouble resolving domain names. I first noticed this when visiting Daring Fireball. I was not able to load the site on my iPhone, which is on T-Mobile network. By 4:00 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time, I was still unable to access Daring Fireball on my iPhone. I took the screenshot and tweeted:

If I had to guess, it might be DNS issue with T-Mobile. 

DaringFireball T-Mobile DNS

Two hours later I noticed that I still couldn’t access Daring Fireball. This time I was using the office network; connected through AT&T DSL. We could only get AT&T in this particular area. Then I tweeted to John Gruber:

It seems  is still down. 

Within 3 minutes, Gruber replied:

 No, my site is up. There are internet-wide routing problems, alas: 

Daring Fireball is still down

When I arrived at a colleague’s residence, I was able to to load Daring Fireball site through Verizon FiOS.

Later on, Ben Drago replied:

 It looks like Google’s DNS servers are not resolving . Working OK w/ 

Ben Drago Google DNS has a problem

I tested a few DNS servers and some of them were having the same issues with Google DNS.

At the time of this post, the issue persists on some DNS servers.

About the next iOS and iPhone

After reading John Gruber’s The Latest Apple Scuttlebutt, I would like to add a few cents into the open discussion.

  • Since Jony Ive took over the Human Interface division back in October 2012, Apple designers and  engineers have been steadily working on the upcoming and presumably named iOS 7. According to firstname@apple.com, a lot them have been putting extra hours working on the next iOS.
  • Key Apple employees have not been home longer than they had before; overseeing production of presumably new Apple products. The angry spouses don’t even know what they are working on.

I’d really would like to emphasize the “angry spouses” part.


Credit where credit is due.

John Gruber of Daring Fireball points out the importance of giving credit properly.

It is just plain annoying when mainstream news media picked up a story without giving the proper credit to the original writer. It is not that hard to mention the name or the site.

Sadly mainstream news media site are raking in a lot more oney than the average sites and blogs.

Apple delays White iPhone 4.

Apple says that “White models of Apple’s new iPhone® 4 have continued to be more challenging to manufacture” than they originally expected. Previously at July 16 Press Conference, Steve Jobs said that the White iPhone 4 would be available sometimes late July 2010.

What is really happening with the White iPhone 4?

John Gruber summed it up in one sentence:

Every smartphone maker has trouble manufacturing white ones. It’s an industry-wide problem.

Good one, John!

Is this really a “bad news” for Apple?

I know there are people who are holding off buying iPhone 4 because they want the White one. Apple should have just canceled the White iPhone 4 and make them buy the “more popular” iPhone 4 black models.

What in the world is Apple saying?

The availability of the more popular iPhone 4 black models is not affected.

Is this some kind of joke?

Apple, you can not say that iPhone 4 black is the more popular model. Because no one can order the White iPhone 4. Not since the pre-order day, not since the release day and certainly not since you have the statement today.

I have no idea what is really going on with the White iPhone 4 manufacturing problem. I am not a telepath. My telepath on staff is currently on a vacation and demanding not to be disturbed. This I know for sure, I am one of the people who are holding off buying an iPhone 4 because I want the White one. It seems that I’ll be using more of my Nexus One, thanks t the Wi-Fi Hotspot feature in Android 2.2 Froyo. (Moment of silence to Google Nexus One Web Store)

Now, it’s time to write a silly email to Steve Jobs.

Brain Not Needed: Ballmer at Apple WWDC and Visual Studio writes native codes iPhone, iPad and Mac OS X.

Seriously, I need to get a job as a “Analyst” now. Think about the ridiculous amount of money people are willing to pay me for some random analysis I made up.

Steve Ballmer at WWDC? Unlikely.

Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to write native codes for iPhone, iPad and Mac OS X? Seriously? Apparently someone needs attention really bad. Writing Mac OS X apps in Windows, that’s making as much sense as giving Carlos Mencia his own show.

Don’t know what I’m ranting about? Ask John Gruber.

Brain Not Needed!

Congratulations, Gizmodo for jumping into conclusion. At least you made a retraction.

The post is back-up on Gizmodo.

Apparently Gizmodo is deleting the post. Unfortunately I haven’t found any cached version of the page.

But there’s a copy of it posted here.

The piece was (hastily) written by Wilson Rothman.


Gotta love John Grubber for being “insightful and not negative.” He’s just good at being sarcastic. Gruber pointed out the hidden Gem that Gizmodo is.

As always, Apple haters already jumped on the poorly-written-angst-driven-Apple-Hating-Paul-Thurrottesque story that Gizmodo ran about How Apple Screws Every Ebook App But iBooks. Great one Wilson, the Apple Haters took the bait. What? It’s not a bait. Well, at least you made a retraction and left your original post.

Maybe Gizmodo should give Paul Thurrott a call, your Apple Trolling skill is a bit rusty. For sure Thurrott can help you in that subject. But if you’re making Thurrott your staff then you’d be employing a Microsoft employee. Wait, what? Thurrott is not Microsoft Employee? Ah he’s just an independent Microsoft P.R. agent. Got it.

I’ve told you so, no one should ever believe Paul Thurrott; The Original Microsoft Cheerleader.

Thanks to Chris Grande for exposing what Paul Thurrott really is; a Microsoft Cheerleader. Thanks to John Gruber for pointing out John Grande’s post.

From Daring Fireball:

Paul Thurrott’s Curiously Shifting Thoughts on Copy-and-Paste.

Delightful catch by Chris Grande.

You should read what Chris Grande wrote.

I for one have been noticing what a shill Paul Thurrott is. I even called him out on Leo Laporte’s TWiT network. It is funny how Leo Laporte is defending Paul Thurrott even though outside the Abomination of a show called “Windows Weekly” that should have been called “Microsoft P.R. Weekly” Laporte often expressed his disagreement with Thurrott. I theorize that Leo Laporte is suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder. You’ll never know which Leo Laporte would show up. There are a lot of real Tech Journalists can host “Windows Weekly” but Leo Laporte still insists that Paul Thurrott is fair and balanced. Yeah, just like Fox News.

A lot of time Thurrot does make valid points, only to have his credibility destroyed by his adoration with Microsoft. I don’t know if it’s a pure adoration or it’s financially motivated. I don’t know. This I know that Thurrott has the double standard whenever it comes to Microsoft and other companies.

Message to Leo Laporte, get someone who is not financially motivated by Microsoft to host Windows Weekly.

There I said it.