iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 and iTunes 8.2 Pre-release (b10)

May 6th, 2009. Wednesday evening, Apple released iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 5 (Build: 7A312g) along with the SDK and new build of iTunes 8.2. This marks the first time Apple breaks the release cycles between iPhone OS 3.0  Beta revisions. Up to Beta 4, the release was in two-week-interval.

In the meantime, Mac OS X 10.5.7 is rumored to see release as early as Friday May 8th, 2009. As we had found out before, note-syncing in iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4 required Mac OS X 10.5.7.

iTunes 8.2 Pre-release (b10) is available for Mac OS X (Tiger and Leopard) and Windows XP/Vista (32-bit and 64-bit).

iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4 and iTunes 8.2

Some notes regarding iPhone OS 3.0 and iTunes 8.2:

  • Syncing notes requires Mac OS X 10.5.7 or later.
  • “Store” Settings is now working.
  • iPhone performance is much improved compared to Beta 3.

This begs the question: Is Mac OS X 10.5.7 about to be released?

More will be added as they surfaced.

iTunes Goes 8.2

Apple is seeding iTunes 8.2 to iPhone Developers as it is required for iPhone OS 3.0 SDK and iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4.

iTunes 8.2 Pre-release is available for Mac OS X, Windows 32-bit and 64-bit.

iTunes 8.2 Pre-release is available to certified iPhone Developers.

Apple is set to release iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4

UPDATE April 27, 2009 16:52 Pacific Time:
iPhone OS 3.0 SDK and iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4 is RELEASED!
iPhone OS 3.0 build 7a300g

UPDATE April 27, 2009 16:00 Pacific Time:
New info on iPhone OS 3.0 SDK and iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4.

We don’t exactly know when Apple would release iPhone OS 3.0 SDK and iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4, but we were informed by a totally made-up person who is not Tim Cook that it will require new version of iTunes (version 8.2?). Assuming that Apple is still working on iTunes 8.2, the release of iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4 might be delayed a little bit.


According to an imaginary person who claimed to be not Scott Forstall, Apple is set to release iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 4 this week. The new Beta addresses numbers of bug fixes and performance tweak.

iPhone OS 3.0 Beta is set to expire roughly four weeks after the build date.


iPhone OS  3.0 Beta 4 might see the release late Tuesday April 28th, 2009.