iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 2: So Far, So Good… Now What?


Yep, the iPhone works much better again.

  • iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 2 seems to be much more stable than the first Beta.
  • Maps doesn’t freeze as it did in the first Beta.
  • Apple appropriately replaces the “Publish Movie” option with “Publish Photo” when sending picture to MobileMe Gallery.
  • Boot-up time is much faster.
  • Back-up time with iTunes is much faster.
  • Voice Memos works much faster.


  • The “Purple Screen” happened on 2 iPhone 1,1 and 1 iPod touch 1,1 while it was a smooth upgrade on an iPhone 3G.
  • After the “Purple Screen” showed up, the iPhones and the iPod touch went into DFU mode.
  • Restoring the iPhones and the iPod touch was then successful.

iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 2 is Released.

Many sites report that Apple has seeded iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 2 just two weeks after its announcement. For sure there are numbers of outstanding issues in the iPhone OS 3.0 Beta, and hopefully some of them are fixed in the second Beta. iPhone SDK 3.0 Beta 2 is also available.


As usual Apple Developer NDA is in effect, but the information is out there.

For those who are looking into installing iPhone OS 3.0 Beta (1, 2 and any of upcoming revisions) are advised to register as Apple iPhone Developer. It is relatively trivial to get the disk image, but the iPhone will not be activated unless it is registered in the development program. Downgrading to iPhone OS 2.2.1 is possible but not as simple.

Go scour the internet for the info on iPhone OS 3.0 Beta 2.

Skype for iPhone is Released.


It is official, Skype for iPhone has been released. The app appeared in iTunes App Store Monday evening, hours earlier than expected. In the press release  dated March 31st, 2009 details of Skype for iPhone are explained.

The application delivers core Skype capabilities including:

  • Free Skype-to-Skype calls from any Wi-Fi zone to other Skype users worldwide
  • Call landline or mobile phones at Skype’s great low rates from any Wi-Fi zone
  • Send/receive instant messages to/from individuals or groups via 3G, Wi-Fi, GPRS or EDGE (whichever is available)
  • Receive calls to a personal online number on Skype
  • See when Skype contacts are online/available to IM or talk

About Skype iPhone App

Skype for iPhone Splash Screen

Skype for iPhone Dialer

WordPress 1.21 on iPhone OS 3.0

Definitely there are some issues with iPhone OS 3.0 at this moment.

I had to reboot the OS to get WordPress 1.21 to work again.

I cannot add any categories because they are blank.