iPhone Software 2.1: So Far, So Good.

Apple released iPhone Software 2.1 in the early Friday morning (September 12th, 2008). I managed to install iPhone Software 2.1 on an iPhone and an iPhone 3G without any problems whatsoever. I use the iPhone as an iPod in Airplane Mode with Wi-Fi turned on. I use the iPhone 3G as a phone, and I set the GPS and 3G network on.

I fully charged the iPhone 3G around noon time, and using it as I’d use it everyday. Phone calls, emails, the internet, picture-taking, maps, GPS, and iPod. It is around 10:00PM as I’m writing this, and it has been 10 hours since I’ve fully-charged the iPhone 3G. I did connect it to my MacBook Pro several times to transfer some music and podcasts. A disclosure that the iPhone was connected to power source during the period, but not long enough to put a lot of charge in the battery. At this point, the iPhone 3G warned that there were 20% of charge left.

Prior to iPhone Software 2.1, I’d be lucky to get 4 hours out of a fully charged iPhone 3G, with the same usage pattern sans the iPod part. With iPhone Software 2.1, it seems that Apple manages to improve the power management.

Another improvement that I noticed is that the iPhone 3G is now a lot more stable. Previously I was unable to use play audio and use Safari or Mail or Maps without having the iPod randomly stoppping. Applications crashes whenever the iPod is playing too. With iPhone Software 2.1, slight pause occured only when the GPS is turned on and Maps is fetching some data.

Other notable improvements are the Address Book performance and synching, 3G connectivity, Apps stability, and keyboard responsiveness.

There are still a lot to explore in iPhone Software 2.1, and what I am experiencing so far is still anecdotal. I need more time to findo out more about this software update.