iPhone Features Request: Profile Manager

Request “Profile Manager” feature for the iPhone:

The iPhone is an amazing device with amazing user interface, but it still needs a lot of improvements. There are some of the more popular feature requests such as “cut and paste,” and synch-able “to do list.” According to recent interview with Greg Jowsiak, “cut and paste” is considered a low priority.

In this first installment of “iPhone Features Request” (a.k.a. Let’s Nag Apple for Some Features), one nice feature to have is “Profile Manager.”

What is this “Profile Manager?”

It is a shortcut on the iPhone home screen to switch (customizable) profile settings. For example:

  • In Car
    Turn Wi-Fi off
    Turn Bluetooth on
    Turn 3G on
    Turn GPS on (if it can be turned on and off – another feature request)
  • At Home
    Turn Wi-Fi on
    Turn 3G off
    Turn Bluetooth off
    Turn GPS off
  • In Meeting
    Turn Bluetooth off
    Turn GPS off
    Turn 3G off

To turn the 3G network on/off, it takes a few steps: Settings > General > Network > “Enable 3G ON/OFF”

To turn the Bluetooth on/off, it takes the followings: Settings > General > Network > “Bluetooth ON/OFF”

With “Profile Manager”, it would take minimum amount of steps to change the settings.

iPhone 3G: The Aftermath

iPhone 3G: The Aftermath

  • Leo Laporte did iPhone 3G coverage marathon at TWiTlive.tv. Staying up for 24 hour covering iPhone 3G launch is pretty crazy.
  • Lots of people bought iPhone 3G.
  • MobileMe is finally up more than 10 minutes at a time.
  • iPhone/iPod touch Software 2.0 is officially released.
  • .Mac website is offline.
  • AT&T seems to be having problems with iPhone 3G activations for significant numbers of customers.

Apple releases Mac OS X Update for MobileMe 1.1 (July 11th, 2008) following Mac OS X Update for MobileMe 1.0 that was released on July 9th, 2008. Available through Software Update.

A friendly reminder for those waiting for .Mac Webmail to be online again. You can access your .Mac mail through MobileMe. Go to www.me.com/mail/

I’ll post more about the problems AT&T was having related to iPhone 3G activations.

Apple Releases iTunes 7.7

Apple has been burning the midnight oil in preparation for MobileMe launch and iPhone 3G release. As promised, Apple releases iTunes 7.7 tonight. It s available through Apple Software Update (Mac OS X and Windows XP/Vista) or through iTunes Download site.

Use iTunes 7.7 to sync music, video, and more with iPhone 3G, and download applications from the iTunes Store exclusively designed for iPhone and iPod touch with software version 2.0 or later. Also use the new Remote application for iPhone or iPod touch to control iTunes playback from anywhere in your home — a free download from the App Store.

Apple has started the transitions from .Mac to MobileMe.

The Revolt Against Rogers Canada

short version which will be updated later with a longer version because this one is really bugging me.

Blah blah blah iPhone 3g blah blah Canada, blah blah blah Rogers.

Rogers reveals iPhone 3G plan for Canada. No unlimited wireless data plan.

The series of tubes explodes with anger. iPhone 3G + Rogers = Screw You Canadian.

blah blah blah, tell Steve Jobs about it blah blah blah.


Compared to AT&T plan for the iPhone 3G in the United States, the Canadian seems to get the shor end of the stick.

The main question is, why the revolt now? What about the Blackberry data plan? It was even more horrible than the iPhone 3G data plan.

The iPhone 3G can stir things up better than the Blackberry. Where’s the revolt against the Blackberry data plan? Blackberry + Rogers = Screw You Canadian

All in all, the wireless data plans in Canada are horrible to begin with. That has nothing to do with the iPhone 3G. Is the iPhone 3G plan any better than before. It seems to be that way, but what do I knwo. I’m still trying to figure it out reading Rogers site.

In clonclusion, blah blah blah iPhone 3G blah blah blah Steve Jobs blah blah blah Apple blah blah blah Rogers screws customers regardless.

Exclusive: Apple iPhone 3G Accessories Prototype

During WWDC 2008 Keynote, Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduced iPhone 3G to the masses. People wants to know more about the new iPhone, and yet Apple only provides a little bit.

We have the prototype picture of iPhone 3G in-box accessory. The picture was taken from an early development of iPhone 3G and its accessories.

What a shock!