iPhone 3G in Best Buy. Why Oh Why?

Best Buy will be selling iPhone 3G starting September 7th, 2008. With stellar customer service and The Geek Squad support, Best Buy is expecting to exploit make a killing with the iPhone 3G craze.

When you think buying a computer is not painful enough at Best Buy, wait till you are buying iPhone 3G and having Geek Squad services shoved down your throat.

“Bring your computer so The Geek Squad can sync your newly purchased iPhone 3G to your iTunes.

Wait a minute, the Geek Squad can optimize your computer for a little fee, and we will sell you softwares you don’t really need.

We also offer in Home service so that you can connect your newly purchased iPhone 3G with your computer. Don’t worry, the Geek Squad will optimize your iPhone home screen for a little fee.

By the way, this iPhone is not an open box item even though we’ve already opened it and optimized it.”

Seriously, Best Buy might have the presence in many places, but their service is horrible. How much money does Best Buy throw at Apple to have the opportunity to sell iPhone 3G and screw provide service to more customers?

Odds and Ends with AT&T and the iPhone

Previously I wrote about the missing access to AT&T data network on my iPhone 3G. For some unknown reasons, a glitch on the system reset my AT&T subscriptions and dropped most of my services.

No Edge or 3G services, none of the text messaging either. The voicemail was also unavailable. After talking three AT&T customer service, I finally got my account reinstated.

I’ll post more details soon.

iPhone Software 2.0.1 is Available

Three weeks after the release, Apple updates iPhone Software 2.0 to address numbers of issues.

Details are a little bit sketchy at this moment, but it is expected for Apple to address the stability and performance issue regarding the iPhone Software.

The update is available through iTunes with iPhone/iPod touch plugged-in.

Another note of interest, that there are two different iPhone Software 2.0.1 for the iPhone and iPhone 3G.

iPhone Software 2.0.1 for iPhone 3G is labeled iPhone1,2_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw and weighs in at 249.1MB.

iPhone Software 2.0.1 for iPhone is labeled iPhone1,1_2.0.1_5B108_Restore.ipsw and weighs in at 242.3MB.

Anecdotally, the iPhone 3G running Software 2.0.1 feels a zippier.

I’m Living On The Edge

So, it has been 10 something days living with the iPhone 3G. It is not without flaws, but overall it has been a positive experience. I am usually roaming around the area where 3G coverage is available. Once in a while, I noticed where the 3G signals disappeared and forced me to be living on the Edge. To be honest, it is not a horrible experience on the Edge network. After all, I had the original iPhone for a little more than a year on the Edge network.

In addition to all of that, I had answered two emails prior writing this post. Here I go sending a tiny picture and this posting through the Edge network.


Currently Playing:
Aerosmith – “Living On The Edge”
from “Get A Grip

California, New Hampshire, New York, and iPhone 3G.

July 21st, 2008

Some “sites” and “weblogs” on the series of tubes are talking about the current state of iPhone 3G in ummmm…… The States. The current availabilities as of July 21st, 2008 are as the followings:

What does this tell us? Pleasanton doesn’t care about the Black 16GB iPhone 3G. Meanwhile, New York City and Salem don’t care about White 16GB iPhone 3G.

Where does this post go? What is the meaning of this post? Nowhere and nothing.

Let’s blame AT&T for giving their own current and prospective customers hard times getting the iPhone 3G. Apparently some people were told to pay the unsubsidized price for the iPhone 3G. The worst part is that they are paying for it.


iPhone Software 2.0: Airplane Mode with Wi-Fi On

Yet another feature from iPhone Software 2.0 confirmed. The Wi-Fi can be turned on in Airplane mode.

What is the practical use of having Wi-Fi on in Airplane mode? Maybe now the iPhone can be used for browsing the internet on the airplane during flight. But the obvious use is to have the iPhone functioning just like an iPod touch, all the Wi-Fi without the phone signal.

If you recently replaced your original iPhone with iPhone 3G, you can now use it as an iPod touch by switching to the Airplane Mode with Wi-Fi on. It saves some battery life not having the iPhone still looking for the GSM signals.