Skype for iPhone now supports video calls.

Words from the Skype people about new version of Skype for iPhone now supports video calls.

From Skype Blogs:

  • Make video calls to people on their computers as well as other iPhones (details below)
  • Make free audio calls to anyone else on Skype
  • Make great value calls to landlines and mobiles around the world

The new app is compatible with the iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod touch 4th generation with i0S 4.0 or above. You can also receive video calls on the iPod touch 3rd generation and iPad.

iPhone 4 owners can now use the front-facing camera with app other than FaceTime.

P.S. Skype is inviting everyone to Skype’s New Year’s Eve video celebration.

Apple releases iOS 4.2, provides free Find My iPhone, iPad and iPod touch service.

Press Release: Apple’s iOS 4.2 Available Today for iPad, iPhone & iPod touch

Macworld says that Apple told them that iOS 4.2.1 will be available 10:00AM Cupertino Time.

The iOS 4.2.1 Software Update is not yet available through iTunes as of this posting yet. Apparently iOS Software Update Server was offline.

Apple has officially released iOS 4.2 as of Monday Morning November 22nd, 2010.

Find My iPhone, iPad and iPod touch is now a free service to any iOS device owners.

WordPress 2.6.2 for iOS is now available.

There are still some outstanding bugs in this release. Still looking for a solution.

This is a simple one. If you are a WordPress and iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) user then you should get the latest WordPress for iOS. Version 2.6.2 of WordPress iOS App is now available at the iTunes App Store. WordPress 2.6.1 for iOS was one of the buggiest release of the App.

WordPress 2.6.2 for iOS:

This release addresses several annoying bugs, and also includes a few small improvements and a new crash reporting system.

The WordPress team has been great at addressing issues with the apps, be it for iOS, Android or BlackBerry.

Apple Store is Down for maintenance as White iPhone 4 hopefuls hold their breath.

Apple Store Online is back up. Can’t tell what changes they made yet.

Late Saturday night Cupertino time, Apple Store Online was taken down for updates. As usual, those who care can only speculate what Apple would add to the store. Anecdotally, someone suggested that Apple would add the White iPhone 4 for order while extremely limited supplies last.

Good luck holding your breath.

Waiting for White iPhone 4 is just as good as waiting for official Adobe Flash on iOS devices.

Apple seeds iOS 4.2 beta 3 to Developers.

iOS 4.2 beta 3 arrived a few hours earlier than expected today. Apple has been sending out notices to registered iOS developers about the availability of the latest beta of iOS 4.2 this Afternoon.

As usual thanks to a three-letter-abbreviation that is not an acronym known as NDA, details are scarce. Apple is working out the bugs in iOS 4.2 to meet the unspecified November 2010 self-imposed deadline.

iOS 4.2 beta 3 is also accompanied by iTunes 10.1 beta 2, available for Mac OS X and Windows (x86 and x64).