So my TV has Retina Display too?

In the beginning, there was a definition of 4G, then T-Mobile called their HSPA+ as 4G. Then AT&T called their HSPA+ as 4G. As everyone redefined what 4G is, it becomes meaningless.

The term “Retina Display” would suffer the same fate unless Apple did not call the less-than-300-ppi-density of the next iPad display as such.

“AppleInsider Staff” says:

While the estimated 260 ppi falls short of the 300+ ppi the late Apple co-founder Steve Jobs described as being a qualifier for Retina Display status, it can be contested that because users hold tablets farther away from their eyes than a phone, the would-be “iPad 3” specs are be enough to achieve a perceived pixel density similar to that of Apple’s latest smartphone.


People do not hold iPad (or AppleInsider called it “tablets”) that much further than their phone. Logically people are using their iPhone and iPad comfortably within their arm reach or closer. At this point I know that Apple is not calling it iPad with Retina Display (yet).

By the way, I sit about 12 to 16 feet away from my 42-inch HDTV. Does that mean my HDTV also have Retina Display?

iPad 3 and Smart Cover.

For the purpose of this post, let’s call the next iPad by the name “iPad 3“.

It makes a lot of sense that Apple would release iPad 3 in March/April timeframe since the first one hit the street on April 3rd, 2010 and the second one on March 11th, 2011. In December 2011, my ever-reliable source told me “the next iPad is coming March 2012”. I mentioned this back on December 9th, 2011.

What I learned then about iPad 3 is the followings:

  • Don’t call it an iPad with Retina Display.
  • It’s worth waiting for the iPad 3, if I were to get one in December 2011.
  • It’s compatible with the existing Smart Cover.

Existing Smart Cover?

Think of iPad 3 to iPad 2 as iPhone 3GS to iPhone 3G. Just like iPhone 4S to iPhone 4.

There were no mentions of the shape or thickness of iPad 3 back shell. I assume the back would be different and the glass front would be physically the same.

p.s. Check back Wednesday February 22nd, 2012. I have a meeting with a little birdie who knows a lot about Apple.


iPad 3 production is not in high gear, yet.

Assumptions that Apple would release iPad 3 this March or April are based on the previous release dates of iPad and iPad 2; April 3 2010 and March 11 2011 respectively. As of this writing, iPad 3 production has yet to shift into high gear. Key Apple executives and managers responsible for iPad productions have not visited Foxconn China factory since the beginning of the year 2012. Back in December 2011, sources within Apple were saying that they are looking into March 2012 for the release of the next iPad which might be named iPad 3.

Based on partial information from an Apple employee who is not Phil Schiller, iPad 3 will not have “Retina Display”. According to the specs if the next iPad would have double the horizontal and vertical resolutions while maintaining its screen size, it would have lower than 300 pixels-per-inch density.


The Year Ahead: 2012

It is 2012 and I started the year by watching “2012” the movie. I’m looking forward to see what 2012 has in store for us.

  • 2012 is a Leap Year.
  • United States Presidential Election will be held in 2012.
  • What would Apple do in post-Steve Jobs era?
  • What would Google do with Motorola?
  • What would become of Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA).
  • There’s Windows 8.

What I’ve heard:

  • Adobe Creative Suite 6 might include the new De-Blur filter.
  • Photoshop Touch is coming to iOS/iPad.
  • The next iPhone after iPhone 4S is the one I want according the mysterious Apple employee.
  • The next iPad is another incremental upgrade from iPad 2.
  • Interesting new MacBook Pro design.

Well, I wish you all the best possible outcome in 2012.