Panasonic HDC-SD9 Raw AVCHD Sample

For those who’s checking out Panasonic HDC-SD9 AVCHD Camcorder, I’ve uploaded a 36.7MB ISO file from the camcorder. Mac OS X users should update QuickTime to version 7.5 and all the latest version of iMovie ’08, Final Cut Pro 6 and Final Cut Express 4.

The particular video is recorded outdoor during daytime. I’ll post a raw AVCHD video from this camcorder recorder in lower light situation later.

About the video:

Recorded using Panasonic HDC-SD9
North American – NTSC version

Auto Mode
Recording Mode: HA1920
24p Digital Cinema: ON
Digital Cinema Color: ON

Video Clip duration: 18 seconds

Get the 36.7MB ISO file here.

Panasonic HDC-SD9 - The Box

Panasonic HDC-SD9: The Answer Lies Within QuickTime 7.5

For the past few months, Panasonic HDC-SD9 owners have not been able to import videos from Panasonic HDC-SD9 correctly. The temporary solutions for Final Cut Pro 6.0.3 users was to install Perian 1.1 plugin.


With the release of QuickTime 7.5, Panasonic HDC-SD9 videos can now be imported using iMovie ’08, Final Cut Express 4, and Final Cut Pro 6.

It is recommended to update all the applications to the latest versions. QuickTime 7.5 is the most critical component to make this work.

I can only confirm this on the North American version of Panasonic HDC-SD9 (with 24p Cinema Mode). The European version (with 25p Cinema Mode) theoretically should now work with the Mac.


Hans Eklundh left a comment and confirmed that the 25p PAL version (Europe) also works with QuickTime 7.5

Panasonic HDC-SD9 AVCHD Camcorder

Test results using 15-inch MacBook Pro Core Duo 2GHz 2GB RAM:

Mac OS X 10.4.11

QuickTime 7.4.5
iMovie 7.1
HA1920 24p – Video is faster than Audio
HA1920 – Crash during imports

QuickTime 7.5
iMovie 7.1
HA1920 24p – Video imported successfully; 37s -> 36s
HA1920 – Video imported successfully; 38s -> 38s

QuickTime 7.5
iMovie 7.1.2
HA1920 24p – Video imported successfully; 37s -> 37s
HA1920 – Video imported successfully; 38s -> 38s

Mac OS X 10.5.3

QuickTime 7.5
iMovie 7.1.1
HA1920 24p – Video imported successfully; 37s -> 36s
HA1920 – Video imported successfully; 38s -> 38s

QuickTime 7.5
iMovie 7.1.2
HA1920 24p – Video imported successfully; 37s -> 36s
HA1920 – Video imported successfully; 38s -> 38s

Get QuickTime 7.5 and iMovie 7.1.2 updates from Apple Software Update or through the Downloads site.

Panasonic HDC-SD9: Playing nice with iMovie 7.1.2

It seems that QuickTime 7.5 update adds the compatibilities between Panasonic HDC-SD9 and iMovie ’08, Final Cut Express 4, and Final Cut Pro 6.

Thanks to James and Hans Eklundh for confirming that QuickTime 7.5 now supports PAL/European HDC-SD9.

Immediately after applying iMovie 7.1.2 update, I recorded a number of videos on Panasonic HDC-SD9.

  • HA1920
  • HA1920 24p
  • HG1920

I managed to import the videos without any problems at all, and the audio is in sync with the video. Previously, iMovie ’08 was unable to import the video from Panasonic HDC-SD9 correctly. It crashes during HA1920 import. The HA1920 24p video was playing faster than the audio track.

I am doing more testing on this issue, and will post the result as soon as possible.

The gears:

  • Panasonic HDC-SD9
  • 15-inch MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.0GHz 2GB
  • iMovie 7.1.2
  • QuickTime 7.5
  • Mac OS X 10.5.3

Stay tuned.

Apple posts iDVD 7.0.2 and iMovie 7.1.2

Following WWDC 2008 Keynote and QuickTime 7.5, Apple post updates to iDVD ’08 and iMovie ’08 today.


This update supports general compatibility issues, improves overall stability, and addresses a number of other minor issues.

This update addresses general compatibility issues, improves overall stability, and addresses a number of other minor issues.

I want to know if Apple would add supports for newer AVCHD camcorders such as Panasonic HDC-SD9 which I own.

I can now import videos from Panasonic HDC-SD9 using iMovie 7.1.2 and QuickTime 7.5 installed. I still have Perian 1.1 installed on computer. I will do more testing on this.

Panasonic HDC-SD9 and Final Cut Pro: Perian to The Rescue

UPDATE 2008.06.11:

QuickTime 7.5 adds support for Panasonic HDC-SD9 and other newer AVCHD camcorders.

Hans Eklundh left a comment and confirmed that the 25p PAL version (Europe) also works with QuickTime 7.5

“Good news, everyone! We finally can use Panasonic HDC-SD9 and Final Cut Pro.”

AVCHD Final Cut Pro Icon

So far, I have not been able to import 1080p/24p clip from HDC-SD9 into iMovie correctly. I’m still looking into it. I don’t have Final Cut Express 4 to test the import.

Good news, indeed. After 6 weeks, I finally get to import 1080p/24p clip from Panasonic HDC-SD9 correctly. The audio and video are in complete sync. The remedy is none other than Perian 1.1. Previously, Perian QuickTime Component was conflicting with Final Cut Pro.

Numbers of people raised the concern regarding Panasonic HDC-SD9 compatibility with Mac OS X applications (iMovie ’08, Final Cut Pro 6, and Final Cut Express 4). I was exploring this issue because I want to use my Panasonic HDC-SD9 in 1080p/24 mode.

Panasonic HDC-SD9 AVCHD Camcorder

I asked some Apple employees regarding this problem, and the non-answer I got is that Apple is working on camera compatibility issues. I’m hoping that Apple would update their applications to support Panasonic HDC-SD9 in particular and newer 1080p/24p camcorders in general.

On Thursday (2008.04.10), Apple released Pro Applications Update 2008-001 and brought Final Cut Pro to version 6.0.3. I was hoping that Apple would have resolved the issues with HDC-SD9 camcorder. Unfortunately, the issue persisted.

I decided to spend some times for trial-and-error in making Final Cut Pro playing nice with HDC-SD9. It was 03:00 hour, and I had an epiphany. Previously, some people were recommending ShedWorx’s VoltaicHD Converter to import AVCHD clip in Mac OS X. I went to ShedWorx’s site and read the System Requirements for the VoltaicHD Converter:

System Requirements for the VoltaicHD Converter:

  1. OSX 10.4 or 10.5 (Intel and PowerPC)
  2. QuickTime 7.3
  3. Apple Intermediate Codec (AIC)
  4. iMovie (HD or 08) or Final Cut Express/Pro
  5. Perian if you are using Final Cut

VoltaicHD requires Perian QuickTime Component!

I checked Perian site, and compared the version I previously had installed on my MacBook Pro. The current version 1.1 and I had version 1.0 installed on my MacBook Pro. I downloaded the latest version and installed it. This time Final Cut Pro converts the 1080p/24p clip from HDC-SD9 correctly.

I will test if I could import HDC-SD9 1080p/24p video using iMovie ’08 and Final Cut express with Perian 1.1 installed.

Video sample from Panasonic HDC-SD9, 1080p/24p, audio and video in complete sync.


  • 15-inch MacBook Pro Core Duo 2.0GHz 2GB RAM
  • Mac OS X Leopard 10.5.2
  • Final Cut Pro 6.0.3 (with Pro Applications Update 2008-001)

Apple Releases Pro Applications Update 2008-001

Apple today releases Pro Applications Update 2008-001.

About Pro Applications Update 2008-001:

This update improves reliability for Apple’s professional applications and is recommended for all users of Final Cut Studio, Final Cut Server, Logic Studio, and Shake.

For more information about this software update, please see:
Release Notes

Pro Applications Update 2008-01 is a revision to Final Cut Studio 2.0. This update includes Final Cut Pro 6.0.3, Compressor 3.0.3, which addresses specific customer issues, installation issues, compatibility updates, general performance issues and improves overall stability.

This update is recommended for all users of Final Cut Studio 2.0 and later.

System Requirements:

  • Mac OS X 10.4.11
  • Mac OS X 10.5.2

Unfortunately, Apple has not added support for Panasonic HDC-SD9 1080p/24 mode. I have been waiting for the update from Apple to support this camera.

Panasonic HDC-SD9: Screen Capture

Despite its compatibility problem with Mac OS X, Panasonic HDC-SD9 is a great HD camcorder. If you are using Macs and wanting to get this camera, it is best to wait until Apple releases updates to iMovie ’08, Final Cut Express 4, and Final Cut Pro 6.

In the meantime, check out the screen capture from Panasonic HDC-SD9 and compare it to the one from Panasonic HDC-SD5. Notice the interlacing on Panasonic HDC-SD5 screen capture.

Panasonic HDC-SD9 Screen Capture
Panasonic HDC-SD9 Screen Capture

Panasonic HDC-SD5 Screen Capture
Panasonic HDC-SD5 Screen Capture