Final Cut Studio: Failed Installation

I was working on a Mac Pro with newly installed Snow Leopard on Wednesday September 16th, 2009. I tried installing Final Cut Studio (2009) and it kept failing.

After a long troubleshooting session, I finally found out what the culprits were.

I managed to duplicate the error on a 13-inch MacBook Pro also running a newly installed Snow Leopard.

Final Cut Pro 2009 Failed Installation

For some reasons on both the Mac Pro and MacBook Pro, Final Cut Pro installation failed if iLife ’09 installed. Make sure all iLife ’09 is up to date, especially iDVD.

I succesfully installed Final Cut Studio sans iDVD Theme Element.

fcp09 custom install no idvd

If the installation still failed, you can separately install Final Cut Studio elements. The error most likely occurred after Final Cut Pro and Colors are installed. Therefore, install the followings separately:

  • Motion Contents
  • Audio Contents
  • DVD Studio Pro

It is likely that there was an error while reading the installation disc. For example the Mac Pro I was working on was unable to read Motion Contents disk 2. By installing Final Cut Studio components separately, I managed to get all of them successfully installed.

Apple posts iDVD 7.0.2 and iMovie 7.1.2

Following WWDC 2008 Keynote and QuickTime 7.5, Apple post updates to iDVD ’08 and iMovie ’08 today.


This update supports general compatibility issues, improves overall stability, and addresses a number of other minor issues.

This update addresses general compatibility issues, improves overall stability, and addresses a number of other minor issues.

I want to know if Apple would add supports for newer AVCHD camcorders such as Panasonic HDC-SD9 which I own.

I can now import videos from Panasonic HDC-SD9 using iMovie 7.1.2 and QuickTime 7.5 installed. I still have Perian 1.1 installed on computer. I will do more testing on this.