HTC and Samsung: “Dear Google, we have patents too.”

In Google’s Official Blog, Larry Page, Google CEO says:

Our acquisition of Motorola will increase competition by strengthening Google’s patent portfolio, which will enable us to better protect Android from anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies.

Note to Larry Page:

HTC has those S3 patents that Apple is found to be infringing upon and Samsung is suing/countersuing Apple for patent infringement. Buy them too, and Google would have more in its patent arsenal.


Note to anyone who cares:
Both HTC and Samsung make Windows Phone 7…….errrr phones. LG also makes that awkwardly named phones, but do they have worthwhile patent portfolio? -editor

The Android in Peril.

There are a lot of people cursing Apple’s name for suing HTC over Android. The ITC sides with Apple and concludes that HTC violates 2 of Apple’s patent. Sean Ludwig of VentureBeat dares to scream the headline: “Why Apple’s ITC patent victory over HTC Android phones is scary“.

It is pretty apparent that Apple-hating is so trendy these days in lights of the Apple v. HTC lawsuit. Unfortunately a lot of people seems to forget that HTC has waived the white flag when Microsoft came knocking. HTC is paying royalties to Microsoft for every Android phone it sold. Hating Microsoft is apparently so 1998. Does anyone remember that Microsoft recently demands Samsung to pay $15 for each Android phone it makes.

Microsoft is asserting some ownership to Android, that’s a bigger threat. HTC is not the only company to pay Android royalties to Microsoft.

Blame it on how easy anyone can abuse software patent.

Steve Ballmer wants Microsoft to regain “Evil Company” Title by threatening Android.

In recent Interview with The Wall Street Journal, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer says that there are licensing fees for Android.

WSJ: Are you trying to protect Windows or do you see Windows Phone 7 as a big revenue opportunity in and of itself?

Mr. Ballmer: No, I see it as a big opportunity. There’s the sale of the device, there’s potential for search revenue on top of that and commerce revenue. There’s potential for subscription revenue from various entertainment or productivity experiences.

Job One here will be selling a lot of phones, and if we sell a lot of phones, good things are going to happen.

WSJ: You’re still charging a license fee for the software.

Mr. Ballmer: Sure.

WSJ: Is that difficult in an environment where Android is free?

Mr. Ballmer: Android has a patent fee. It’s not like Android’s free. You do have to license patents. HTC’s signed a license with us and you’re going to see license fees clearly for Android as well as for Windows.

Since Google is not charging any licensing fees, then who is?

Well, Microsoft is currently going after Motorola for making Android phones. Motorola currently does not making any phones based on Windows Phone 7 platform.

Microsoft had signed “Patent deal” with HTC over Android. Some pundits “cheered” this move as a way for HTC to fend off Apple on the ongoing lawsuit.

Microsoft is poised to regain the “Evil Company” title with this move if only if the consumer cares about the issue. Unfortunately some influential Tech-Elitists are not saying anything much about Microsoft asserting “ownership” over Android and Linux.

Where’s The Outrage? Microsoft is going after Motorola for Android.

Fortune reports that Microsoft is going after Motorola for Patent violations related to Android. Apparently Motorola won’t be going the Windows Phone 7 way in favor of Android. It is obvious that Microsoft is losing the grip and going lawsuit happy.

Anyone remembers that HTC signed a “Patent deal” related to Android with Microsoft? I really thought that Android is an Open Source Project led by Google. How can Microsoft asserting Patent right to someone else’s product?

Well, Microsoft has been claiming that another Open Source Project named Linux is violating their Patents. Novell was quick to “collaborate” with Microsoft. Linus Torvald disagrees.

There are a lot of people who feel disgusted with Apple suing HTC, and a lot of them cheered when HTC signe a deal with Microsoft. What is wrong with this picture? It is just like defending a castle from attacks by surrendering to another enemy with a bigger army. You still lose!

Shame on you, Microsoft. Is this how you innovate?

Anything Sorta Goes: GizmodoGate, Microsoft vs. Android, and South Park!

It has been a busy week and I somehow forgot to write anything for this site. As a matter of fact, everyone are busy with their day job, personal life, etc. I told myself that I should be the first to break the streak this time.

Anyway, huge story from last week, even though I don’t really want to talk about it. The GizmodoGate! The San Mateo DA issued a search warrant to seize evidence in the “lost” Apple 4th Generation iPhone Prototype. Jason Chen, Gizmodo and Gawker Media are yelling “FOUL!” and trying to hide behind the Journalist shield law. The evidence in a way is pretty damnig. Jason Chen is smart enough to have video of himself with the iPhone, which turned out to be considered a stolen item. In addition to that, Gizmodo admits that they paid some money for the iPhone from the person who “found” it. Jason Chen also smart enough to take the iPhone apart and document it; you can find the videos easily, Google is your best friend. Jason Chen has now hired a defense lawyer. The EFF for sure scrutinizing the conduct of the San Mateo and the Rapid Enforcement Allied Computer Team (REACT). EFF is great but sometimes they could go overboard. Personally I do not like Gizmodo for all the attention-grabbing stunts they have done in the past, and most likely in the future. Anyone remembers 2008 CES?


This one is a shocker and predictable. Microsoft is asserting the rights to collect royalty payment over Android Operating System. HTC has agreed to pay Microsoft for using Android Operating System. Where are the torches and pitchforks? The last time I saw them marching to Cupertino after Apple sued HTC for Patent Infringement. Where is the rage Mr. Laporte?


Now, let’s get on to the finale of this post. South Park, Censorships, and Muhammad. For those who care already know what happened to South Park. April 14th, 2010 South Park celebrated its 2ooth episode with an episode aptly titled “200.” The episode drew somehow offended some Muslims and a group based in New York posted a warning against South Park creators.

Seriously? You’re based in New York and you’re enjoying the Freedom Of Speech to threaten others for their Freedom Of Speech. Why don’t you move to a cave somewhere in the Middle East and then you can complain about other’s Freedom Of Speech. Wait, it’s still ironic. The Qur’an has never specifically or explicitly forbidden images of Muhammad. Now you’re threatening other human being over it?

April 21st, 2010 Comedy Central aired “201” with tons of extra audio bleeps. Sure they bleeped out profanities. Comedy Central also bleeped out any utterance of “Muhammad” from the episode. Even further, Comdey Central bleeped out the closing speech that didn’t even mention anything about Muhammad. According to South Park Studios, Comedy Central does not approve the airing or streaming of Episode “201” in its original form. The episode was subsequently pulled off the air and has not been approved for sale on places such as iTunes Store and Amazon Video On Demands. In addition to that Comedy Central also pulled Episode “200” off the rebroadcast and the online stores.

Thousands of complaints from readers of this blog were sent to Comedy Central. Who’s to blame? Comedy Central is acting to protect their employees while subsequently caving in to terrorist’s demand.

I for one values the First Amendment to The United States Constitution:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Comedy Central is acting within their rights to censor South Park. Matt Stone and Trey Parker have the right to express their opinion through their creation that is South Park. The fans have the right to complain to Comedy Central.

I am so appaled by the action of the party responsible for the death threats against Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Are there any Muslims out there who agree that the death threats is against everything what being human is all about? I do not want to be associated with anyone who supports violent against the South Park Creators. This is not the 13th century. For the Muslims who still thinks the custom of one region of the world from hundreds of years ago is the way the world should be, please leave us be.