Moving domain name away from Go Daddy.

Previously on the 37prime, the internet and real life:

Are Go Daddy’s intensions pure or just damage control?

Well, I have been wanting to move the only domain I have away from Go Daddy for a long time. I registered the domain name through Google Apps and at that time Go Daddy was the only option given. Go Daddy is one of two Google’s domain registration partners, the other one is

So I went to to transfer the domain name. Hover opposes SOPA, as the blog says.

Tutorial on moving your domain from Go Daddy to Hover.

This post is not a commercial endorsement of

This lump of coal is for Go Daddy.

As reported before, Go Daddy says that they no longer supports SOPA. Reddit user benbread doubts that Go Daddy truly drops SOPA support. Now another hammer drops on Go Daddy’s real stance on SOPA.

From Reddit: Go Daddy has NOT withdrawn its official congressional support for SOPA as linked in Hacker News.

Go Daddy’s statement on no longer supporting SOPA is a damage control. A PR move to convince their customer from leaving. At this point based on what people had found, Go Daddy still supports SOPA just not publicly.

On the other hand, there is still this Protect IP Act we all have to worry about.

Go Daddy, you might find lump of coals in your stocking tonight.

Stopping the bleeding.

Previously on the Internet and real world:

Go Daddy’s announcement of dropping support SOPA is clearly a move to stop the bleeding. There will still be a lot of people moving their services away from Go Daddy. I apparently have one domain name for Google App registered through Go Daddy, not by choice. So who should I move it to?