Random Pick: iTransfer Pro

iTransfer Pro

I often need to upload files from my iPhone or iPad directly to the web server. I have been using iTransfer (ad-supported version) for quite some times. I purchased iTransfer Pro considering how much I have been using the free/ad-supported version; the $3.99 price tag is worth it. iTransfer Pro is both iPhone and iPad optimized.

iTransfer Pro supports:

  • Network Drives
  • Dropbox
  • Box
  • SkyDrive
  • GoogleDrive

iTransfer Pro

iTransfer Pro on iPhone Home Screen

Moron of The Week: Adam Frucci of Gizmodo

Yet another gem from Gizmodo, where common sense is not required. It is Adam Frucci who must be desperate for page-views on his contributions. Spare yourself from reading the abomination that is his so-called article. A not-so-well-thought-out excerpt:

“Every single Mac app costs money. Where’s the freeware on Macs? On the PC, I used Texter to create macros for things I type a lot, which is free. On the Mac, there’s TextExpander, and it’s $30. There are loads of free FTP clients for the PC. On Mac, you use Transmit, and it’s $30. Tweetie is a nice enough Twitter client, but it sure isn’t $15 worth of nice. TextMate is a great, robust text editor, but no text editor is worth $54.”

Seriously? Every single Mac app costs money?

I guess Adam Frucci is the authority of computing world. He knows for sure that every single Mac app costs money. There are no freeware.

  • I wonder what Filezilla is. It is an open source FTP client that is available for Linux, Mac and Windows. It is also free.
  • There’s Cyberduck. “Cyberduck is an open source FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Mosso Cloud Files and Amazon S3 browser for the Mac.” It is also free.
  • There are other free Mac OS X FTP clients.

Evaluating the statement about the absence of freeware on Mac OS platform, we hereby award Adam Frucci as Moron of The Week.

Way to go for perpetuating the idiotic Mac vs. Windows argument, Mr. Adam Frucci. Please stop using computer now.

If you want to read his idiotic “article” just search for “Adam Frucci Mac Freeware” using your favorite search engine (Google).

Camino 1.6.1, Cyberduck 3.0.1 and then some.

May 20th, 2008

Camino 1.6.1 is released.

Camino 1.6.1 contains the following improvements over version 1.6:

  • Camino will no longer crash when attempting to add a search engine that uses POST.
  • Camino displays more useful error messages when it is unable to add a search engine.
  • Camino supports a wider variety of search engine definition files.
  • Restored compatibility with Adobe Dreamweaver and other applications that use a deprecated AppleEvent to open documents in Camino.
  • Improved robustness of code used to access the Keychain.
  • Command-period will now close the Find toolbar on Mac OS X 10.5.

Download Camino here:


Cyberduck 3.0.1

Cyberduck is an open source data transfer program for Mac OS X. It supports myriads of protocols such as FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, etc. Version 3.0.1 has just been released and the release notes can be found here.

Get the latest version of Cyberduck and please donate to the developer if you like this apps.


…and then some

I visited the office of the people who sold the “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” script to Disney. I told them how my jaw dropped in disbelief the first time I saw the trailer on YouTube through Reddit. They admitted that the trailer Disney put out is somewhat misleading.

Anyhow, I did mention Tom Rinks, Taco Bell, and Carlos Alazraqui to them. In a funny coincidence, these people are Seth McFarlane’s management company. As many of us know that Seth McFarlane is the creator of Family Guy. I did mentioned to them that Carlos Alazraqui was the voice of Taco Bell Chihuahua and Family Guy’s own Mr. Weed. Small world.