Google Sync with push Gmail and Picasa 3.5

Google has been busy today with the release of Picasa 3.5 and Google Sync with push Gmail.

Google has just added push support into Google Sync. Google Sync supports BlackBerry, iPhone, Nokia S60, Windows Mobile and other phones. iPhone users now can have push Gmailon their phones.

Google Sync uses Microsoft Exchange Active Sync Protocol. iPhone can only have one Exchange ActiveSync account configured.

iPhone one Exchange ActiveSync


Today Google also releases Picassa 3.5 with name tags.


Apple USB Power Adapter In-Store Exchange Process

Apple announced the Ultracompact USB Power Adapter Exchange on September 19th, 2008. There are two ways to get the replacement USB Power Adapter. The first is to request the exchange through the web, and the replacement will be sent through te mail. The second is to exchange the adapter at Apple Retail Store.

  • No appointment is necessary to do an in-store exchange.
  • Bring your iPhone 3G or at least the serial number.
  • Ask Apple Retail Store Concierge to direct you for the exchange, or
  • Walk up to the cashier and ask about the exchange.

The new Ultracompact USB Power Adapter will have a green dot.