“What do you mean it is February already?”

Yep, it is February 1, 2025 already. One month into 2025 and it felt like forever.

Well, I get to see one of my animal friends today. She is one of the happiest dogs that I have ever known.

Tomorrow would be a milestone in Tech World, well at least the one that I covered for a long time.

Wheely Willy

Inspirational story about a little Chihuahua named Wheely Willy. I met Deborah Turner who rescued Willy from euthanasia and her story about Willy really touched me. I wished I had met Willy, but he died in 2009.

How Willy Got His Wheel Book Cover


Ko’a and Pinto grew up together. They are still close to this day.


Taken with Canon EOS 60D and Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM Lens.

  • ISO: 3200
  • Focal Length: 50mm
  • Aperture: f/1.4
  • Shutter Speed: 1/15