Seriously AT&T?

I got the warning from AT&T on November 1st for using more 3GB of data on my “unlimited” plan. Having travelled a lot last month resulted in a lot of data use on my phone.

What bothers me is that AT&T saying that using 3GB of data automatically puts me in the top 5% of data users. Just doesn’t make sense. Anyway, I have not renewed my contract with AT&T, so I can leave anytime I want.

Do I need to worry about AT&T new data plan? Apparently not.

I first was a bit worried about the new AT&T data plan, then after I checked my data usage I worried no more. I realized that most of the time I’d be in areas where I always have access to Wi-Fi network. I apparently used a lot less bandwidth on AT&T data network than I thought. Without any access to the Wi-Fi network, I’d easily gone over the newly introduced 2GB data cap in a week or less. I guess I’ll be paying AT&T less for my phone service.

For the past 6 months, my data usage never go over 1GB per month.

If I were to get an iPad 3G, I’d have no problem paying for the lesser data plan thanks to all those Wi-Fi Access Points.

The Revolt Against Rogers Canada

short version which will be updated later with a longer version because this one is really bugging me.

Blah blah blah iPhone 3g blah blah Canada, blah blah blah Rogers.

Rogers reveals iPhone 3G plan for Canada. No unlimited wireless data plan.

The series of tubes explodes with anger. iPhone 3G + Rogers = Screw You Canadian.

blah blah blah, tell Steve Jobs about it blah blah blah.


Compared to AT&T plan for the iPhone 3G in the United States, the Canadian seems to get the shor end of the stick.

The main question is, why the revolt now? What about the Blackberry data plan? It was even more horrible than the iPhone 3G data plan.

The iPhone 3G can stir things up better than the Blackberry. Where’s the revolt against the Blackberry data plan? Blackberry + Rogers = Screw You Canadian

All in all, the wireless data plans in Canada are horrible to begin with. That has nothing to do with the iPhone 3G. Is the iPhone 3G plan any better than before. It seems to be that way, but what do I knwo. I’m still trying to figure it out reading Rogers site.

In clonclusion, blah blah blah iPhone 3G blah blah blah Steve Jobs blah blah blah Apple blah blah blah Rogers screws customers regardless.