Firefox 3D Web-Inspector

There is one feature in Mozilla Firefox that most users don’t even know it exist; a 3D Web-Inspector. Bring up the contextual menu by right clicking (OS X – control-click) on the page and select “Inspect Element”.


Then click on the Cube at the bottom-right section.


Use the cursor to rotate the page for 3-dimensional view.


WebKit Aims to Pass Acid3 Test

Flurry of “nightly builds” of WebKit were released today, and it appears that the WebKit team is aiming for a perfect score on Acid3 test. I downloaded at least five different WebKit builds today, and the latest one (build 31334) scores 99/100 on Acid3 test (QuickTime Movie 376KB). Can they make the perfect grade? I’m sure they will soon. Apparently an internal build of Opera has passed Acid3 Test.

WebKit Acid3 test

WebKit is available for Mac OS X And Windows