Angry Birds Toons: Cordon Bleugh!

Seventh episode of Angry Birds Toons titled “Cordon Bleugh!” is now playing at the nearest Angry Birds game. Spoiler, it features Red, Chuck, The Blues, The Pigs, and for the first time Matilda.


Next week episode is titled “True Blue?” featuring The Blues and The Pigs.

Sad News Everyone, Futurama is Canceled… Again.

This is from the Department of “Say It Ain’t So”.

Entertainment Weekly reports:

Comedy Central has decided not to renew Futurama, which means that the 31st-century-set animated comedy will end its 140-episode run on Sept. 4. The final 13 episodes, which represent the second half of season 7, begin airing on June 19 at 10 p.m.

You can send your complaints to Comedy Central for canceling Futurama.

Bender is definitely not amused by this news.


Angry Birds Toons: Chuck Time

The first episode of Angry Birds Toons, “Chuck Time” is now playing at Angry Birds App on iOS and Android.

Just in case you’re still wondering, Chuck is the yellow bird. This episode also features the aptly named red bird, Red.


Family Guy: Peter and Sidecar Falcon

Well since the Family Guy episode titled “Call Girl” already aired, I’d like to share something related to the episode.

A lot of people want to know what the name of the falcon. It’s Xerxes.

Peter and Sidecar Falcon

I present you Peter and Sidecar Falcon USB Card.

Peter and Sidecar Falcon USB Card 1

Peter and Sidecar Falcon USB Card 2