Posted on July 23, 2012Internet: Behind the Scenes This explains why cats are so popular on the Internet, especially Reddit. That’s because cats are running the Internet (and Reddit). 34.03241-118.488406
Posted on December 27, 2008Kitty Desperately Needs Witty Captions This one is for the Lolcats fans out there. This kitty desperately needs captions, Lolcat captions. The title of this picture is: “Vampire Kitty Wakes Up From Slumber.”
Posted on March 4, 2008Shameless Flickr Plug: Cat Tongue I am proud of these two pictures, and I have posted them before. If you’re a Flickr user, and you like these two pictures, pleas add them as your favorites. These pictures were taken using Sony CyberShot DSC-T7.