Random brain droppings.

Let’s see. I finally deployed the Synology DiskStation DS712+ at the office earlier today. It performs really well. Next I have to rebuild the Windows Home Server, but not before I upgraded the RAM. Then I helped someone setting up the company website. It is still early, a lot of works need to be done.

Anyway, Meatloaf T. Cat sent a picture:

Cat and Mouse.

Either busy working, or too much slacking. This is the only post I can come up with.

That’s an old Logitech MX310, 2010 27-inch iMac Core i7 and Meatloaf T. Cat.


Bokatorp, a cat, was the subject of my photography. My friend told me that Bokatorp died earlier tonight. He is now buried in the backyard where he was born and grew up in.

I looked into my photo archive and found these two photographs.

A picture of Bokatorp when he was just a few weeks old.

Bokatorp was in Google Maps Street View.


A visit to the Veterinarian.

One of our regular contributors, Meatloaf T. Cat sent us a picture. He visited the vet on Saturday and had some blood test. The good news is that Meatloaf is fine.