South Park: Season 13 Episode 14 – “Pee”
The boys’ fun-filled day at the water park is about to turn deadly.
Original Air Date: 2009-11-18

“Pee” will be available for streaming on November 18th, 2009 11:59PM Pacific Time.

Preview “Pee” here (“Going To The Water Park” – Cartman is so happy about going to the water park he can’t control himself.)
Starting October 7th, 2009 South Park Studios is running a contest and one winner will be immortalized in one South Park Episode. For more information, read it all here. The Official Rules can be obtained here.
NOTE: The Aliens will only be visible in the broadcast version. That means you either have to watch it on TV or find it somewhere else (like

Please check back on Saturday or Sunday night for more South Park Episode News!
“Pee” will be available for streaming on November 18th, 2009 11:59PM Pacific Time. You will watch it here (Flash Player required) instead of downloading the episode from site like or
From the Comedy Central Press Release:
NEW YORK, November 16, 2009 – The boys are super excited to spend the day at Pipi’s Splash Town but there is danger at every turn in an all-new “South Park” titled, “Pee,” premiering on Wednesday, November 18 at 10:00 p.m. on COMEDY CENTRAL.
Things at the water park are not what they seem. The boy’s fun filled day is about to turn deadly. Events are in play at Splash Town that signal the end of the world is upon us. Cartman tries to warn everyone but no one will listen. Disaster is about to strike and the boys are in a race to survive.
- As usual, this episode will be available for streaming at South Park Studios following the premiere on November 18th, 2009. Uncensored version will follow shortly after.
- “Pee” at Wikipedia.
- Spoof on “2012” the movie.
- NASA FAQ on 2012.
- 2012: End Of The World? (Information is Beautiful).
- South Park: Season 13 Episode 14 uncensored version will be available purchase starting November 21st, 2009 at and iTunes Store.
- Stay tuned for more info.
Public Service Announcement:
This episode will be available for streaming after the premiere on Wednesday November 11th, 2009 at South Park Studios. Flash Player Required. Unfortunately the stream will not be available in the following countries:
Australia, Denmark, Finland, France, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden, U.K.
Comedy Central Airing Schedule for South Park: Season 13 Episode 14 (Eastern and Pacific Time)
- Wednesday November 18 2009 10:00PM
- Thursday November 19 2009 12:00AM
- Thursday November 19 2009 9:30PM
- Sunday November 22 2009 11:00PM
- Monday November 23 2009 02:30AM
- Tuesday November 24 2009 10:30PM
- Wednesday November 25 2009 09:00PM
Comedy Central strongly urges you not to download the episode from any site such as or any other South Park related sites. Remember that unauthorized download of South Park episodes hurts Comedy Central and South Park team. It is very very wrong to download South Park Episodes from sites like, because Comedy Central would have to wait for another 2 months to get gold plated shark tank installed in their lobby. Instead, Comedy Central would like you to purchase the episode from vendors like or iTunes Store.
Available October 13th, 2009; Trey Parker and Matt Stone’s latest money grabbing scheme (as explained by Comedy Central) :

South Park: Bigger Longer Uncut [Blu-ray]
Blu-ray Features:
- Commentary by Matt Stone and Trey Parker
- Music Video: “What Would Brian Boitano Do”
- 3 Theatrical Trailers
- BD Live Drawn Together Movie: The Movie! Trailer
Now Available:
South Park: The Complete Twelfth Season (Uncensored) DVD Set
South Park: The Complete Twelfth Season (Uncensored) Blu-Ray Set
If you bought anything through Amazon link above, and I get some kickbacks.
“If you buy these DVD’s, I can buy a MacBook Pro” to paraphrase the great Robert Schimmel.
Images are courtesy of South Park Studios and Comedy Central.