Carrier IQ 2, The Quickening

It is inevitable for the Carrier IQ controversy dominating the headlines. This should be a bigger story than the overblown “Locationgate” story.

The Carrier IQ controversy has attracted the attention of Al Franken, US Senator from Minnesota; maybe he heard the page from Apple made a statement, saying that they have abandoned Carrier IQ with iOS 5 in most of their products. HTC say they don’t receive data from Carrier IQ. The story goes on and on.

Yes, you should be wearing your tin foil hat.

The Verge has great coverage on Carrier IQ controversy.

Tin Foil Hat Zone: Carrier IQ

Hot topic of this week: Carrier IQ

Grant Paul, who is also known as chpwn reports that Carrier IQ is in iOS.

  • Android fans should point to iOS fans and says: “Ha ha! You got it too.”
  • iOS fans should snicker at Android fans and say: “It doesn’t really do anything in our iOS devices.”
  • Windows Phone 7 should yell at Android and iOS fans: “Hey, we exist!”

Before we all jump to conclusion and start a rage against the answering machine, take all the news with a grain of salt.

The Verge is covering the Carrier IQ controversy and highly recommended for pre-rage reading.

Just remember to wear your tin foil hat for now.