“Brothers” by Alex Van Halen

I was planning to go to Alex Van Halen event back in October, but due to my indecision on who’s going to with me, I didn’t get the ticket because it was sold out.

The next best thing was to watch the event online after the taping. As a bonus the “virtual event ticket” comes with a copy of the book; with signed plate.

Signed plate by Alex Van Halen for his book “Brothers”

I skimmed through the book and found some interesting tidbits about the Van Halen Brothers.

I also ordered the CD version of the book which is narrated by Alex Van Halen himself. It includes the unfinished music recorded by the Van Halen Brothers.

I’m going to read it later.

Calculus Textbook by James Stewart

Calculus 5th Edition bt James Stewart

I read the news just today that James Stewart, the mathematician who authored books on Calculus, died on December 4th, 2014.

I took a look at my bookshelf and immediately found a Calculus Textbook that Stewart authored. Stewart was a violinist and that explains why his books feature violin on the cover.