Should you be following the two-week release schedule between iOS beta builds, you could be telling people that iOS 7.1 beta 4 would be released on Tuesday, January 21, 2014. You could easily made up a “trusted source within Apple” who told you such news. Then again, Apple could easily release iOS 7.1 beta 4 one day earlier than the expected date.
Anyway, Apple indeed seeded iOS 7 beta 4 build 11D5134c on Monday, January 20, 2014; one day earlier than what some people expected and reported as news.
It seems the awesomeness of “Disable Background App Refresh” visual design is not a priority to change.
Should Apple follow the two-week release schedule between iOS beta builds, expect iOS 7.1 beta 5 sometimes around February 3 or 4, 2014.