April 1, 2021: Well played, Jack in the Box!

Jack in the Box pulled an elaborate prank for April Fools this year. On March 30, 2021 Jack in The box announced that they would be taking “Sourdough Jack®” off their menu.

Comes April 1, they revealed that it was an April Fools prank.

They are giving away Sourdough Jack® for April 1 through Jack in the Box App.

Well played, Jack in the Box!

In no way this is an advertisement. We think that Jack in the Box did an elaborate April Fools prank that deserves some mentions.

iPad Stand and Handle

This is by far the best iPad Stand and Handle hybrid.

iPad Stand and Handle

It is a versatile iPad Stand that can be oriented in landscape or portrait.

iPad Stand

iPad Handle

Two of these iPad Stand and Handle hybrid can be used to lift older iMac glass screen.

Suction Cups on iMac Glass Screen

No News on the First Day of April.

There are absolutely no news whatsoever today.

P.S. According to an Apple employee who accompanied Tim Cook to Foxconn China factory but is not in any of the pictures:

If you are still calling the next iPhone with the name “iPhone 5” then you are such a fool! It is not “iPhone LTE” either. It will be called “iPhone 4G LTE USA edition” in the US. Outside the US it’ll be called “iPhone Ultra-Fast network non-USA edition”.

Seriously, it is not “iPhone 5”.