WordPress 4.0.1 for iOS

WordPress 4.0.1 for iOS is now available for download.

Some of the updates included are:

  • Improved the performance of stats.
  • Made the “Options” page easier to locate and access.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the app to freeze when you tried to update a post’s settings.
  • Fixed a bug that stopped you from moving the cursor to the end of a line.
  • Fixed a bug that broke the UI when you inserted a link in the post editor.
  • Fixed a bug that crashed the app when you added a featured image to a post.
  • Increased the minimum required version of WordPress to 3.6.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the post editor to malfunction if you inserted a link.

WordPress 4.0.1 for iOS

WordPress 3.9.1 for iOS

WordPress 3.9.1 for iOS was released on Tuesday, February 11, 2014.

What’s New in Version 3.9.1

• Added: Ability to dismiss commenting by tapping on the background.
• Fixed: The last tab you selected is now loaded when returning to the app.
• Fixed: Timezone is now correctly preserved after updating a post.
• Fixed: You can now add links to longer posts.
• Various other improvements.

WordPress 3.9.1 for iOS

Angry Birds Toons: Clash Of Corns

Angry Birds Toons episode number 37, which is also a prime number that we use a lot here, is now available for viewing on your devices. You need an Angry Birds App or Bad Piggy App to view it. “Clash Of Corns” features Matilda and Bomb.

Angry Birds Toons Clash Of Corns

Next episode is titled “A Pig’s Best Friend” is on deck. Stay Tooned next week.

WordPress 3.8.4 for iOS

WordPress 3.8.4 for iOS is now available for download.

What’s New in Version 3.8.4

• New support option: we’ve added email support so we can help you better. If you’ve had trouble logging in or have experienced other problems, let us know and we’ll help!
• Fixed duplicate posts in the Reader.
• Fixed support for password-protected sites.
• Fixed support for sites using self-signed certificates.
• Fixed some selection and scrolling problems in the Post Editor.
• Fixed a crash when adding WordPress.com blogs.
• Fixed a crash when reblogging in the Reader.
• Improved performance when adding blogs.
• …And many more fixes.
