Mozilla Firefox

Mozilla Firefox is released with Windows Vista support and ssecurity updates.

Get it at

Available for Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and More.

Release Notes:

Fixed in Firefox

  • XSS using outer window’s Function object
  • RSS Feed-preview referrer leak
  • Mozilla SVG Processing Remote Code Execution
  • XSS by setting img.src to javascript: URI
  • LiveConnect crash finalizing JS objects
  • Privilege escallation using watch point
  • CSS cursor image buffer overflow (Windows only)
  • Crashes with evidence of memory corruption (rv:

Microsoft Releases Updates for Mac Office (12.19.2006)

Microsoft releases updates for Mac Office v.X and 2004 today. Microsoft pulled previous update citing that the patches were not thoroughly tested and not ready for deployment. Later, Microsoft Macintosh Business Unit clarified that there is nothing wrong with the patches.

From The Office for Mac Team Blog:

You can download them for Office 2004 and for Office v. X (and the Office 2004 updater should be available via Microsoft AutoUpdate as well). These updates can be applied whether or not you installed the pre-release updaters that were briefly available last week.


Microsoft Office 2004 for Mac 11.3.2 Update (12.19.2006)

This update contains several improvements for PowerPoint and Entourage.

Applies to: Office 2004 Standard Edition, Office 2004 Student and Teacher Edition, Office 2004 Professional Edition, Word 2004, Excel 2004, PowerPoint 2004, Entourage 2004.


Microsoft Office v. X for Mac Update (2006-12-19)

This update contains several improvements to enhance stability in PowerPoint.

Applies to: Office v. X, Microsoft Word X for Mac, Microsoft Excel X for Mac, Microsoft PowerPoint X for Mac, Microsoft Entourage X for Mac.Requirements:

Office for Mac Update: “You Don’t Need to Uninstall It!”

Microsoft posted and abruptly pulled the latest updates for Mac Office v. X and 2004 a few days ago. They even advised people who installed the updates to uninstall it. The problem is that there is no easy way to uninstall it. As a matter of fact, it is impossible to uninstall it.
Microsoft Mac Business Unit Team just clarified that there is no need to uninstall the updates.

The MSRC team put up a notice on their blog. That post told users to uninstall the patch without giving clear guidance on how to do that. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to uninstall it without going back to the original CD and doing a clean install followed by applying the latest full updater. That’s a really poor user experience for those who installed the update, so the MacBU is working very quickly to rectify the situation. As it turns out, however, the code that went live has no known issues, so while we recalled it because it had not been thoroughly vetted, there’s no urgent need to uninstall the patch.


If you really want to uninstall the patch (again, you do not need to do so), there are very complete instructions on the Word MVP site, or you can follow these abbreviated steps:

  1. Move the Microsoft Office 2004 or X folder to the trash (make sure you keep any important templates or other documents you may have saved into this folder)
  2. Empty the trash
  3. Reboot your Mac to ensure that the Entourage Database Daemon is not running (or use unix commands to terminate the process from the Terminal)
  4. Re-install Office from your original CD (drag-and-drop is fine)
  5. Run Microsoft AutoUpdate to re-install the 11.3.0 update. (For Office X, you’ll need to download and install the 10.1.8 patch manually)

MacHeist Raised $200,000 for Charity

Well, it’s official. MacHeist has raised $200,000 for Charity.


As for the charity, well, $190,000 just doesn’t seem like a round enough figure. You guys have done your part; now it’s our turn. We will be filling out the donation total to $200,000. And as pledged earlier, all donations will be made in the name of the Mac community.

This is one of the greatest way to promote any shareware Applications. While not every developers out there agree if this is a good idea, in the end everyone involves in this event reap the benefit. Be it the developers, the users, and the charity.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta For Mac and Windows to Arrive on This Friday

Finally, Adobe has officially announced the availability of Photoshop CS3 Beta for public testing.

Adobe Photoshop CS3 Beta will be available for:

  • Mac OS X – Universal Binary for PPC and Intel Macs
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista

From the press release:

The software can be downloaded at: , in the early hours Pacific Standard Time on December 15


Customers who have a valid serial number for all other language versions of qualifying Adobe products can download the software. Without a serial number, users can still download Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta, with the product expiring after two days. Customers must register online with Adobe or have an existing membership account to access the software


System Requirements
For Adobe Photoshop CS3 beta, recommended system requirements are as follows. For Macintosh: Mac OSX 10.4.8 or 10.5, 1 GHz PowerPC® G4 or G5 processor, Intel based Macintosh. For Windows: Intel® Xeon® , Xeon Dual, Centrino® or Pentium® 4 processor, Microsoft Windows XP with Service Pack 2 or higher, Microsoft Windows Vista. Both platforms require 512 MB RAM and a 1024×769 resolution screen. Photoshop CS3 beta will expire soon after the launch of Photoshop CS3 in Spring 2007. Details on final pricing, system requirements and availability have yet to be determined.

©2006 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.