SlingPlayer for Mac OS X Public Beta2 is Available

SlingMedia has released SlingPlayer for Mac OS X Public Beta2

With the new version of the Player, SlingMedia also releases new firmware upgrade for the SlingBox.

Unfortunately, SlingBox Setup Assistant is forcing firmware upgrade and saying that the version of the SlingPlayer has expired. No firmware upgrade can be done. As of this moment, the SlingPlayer for Mac OS X can not connect to the SlingBox.


Review: Slingbox Pro (The Prelude)

I’ve been wanting to try out Slingbox since it was first out. Pricing and the lack of Mac support were the main reasons why I never actually bought it. Fortunately, an acquaintance purchased Slingbox Pro a few days ago. I was asked to set it up and I didn’t waste any seconds to do so.

To summarize the whole experience, it’s great.

I’ll post the details later on.

Troubleshooting Mac OS X Display Resolutions

iMac G5 1.83 GHz
20 inch display
GeForce FX 5200 64MB VRAM

Mac OS X 10.4.8 with all the lates updates as of 12.26.2006

For some reasons the Displays System Preferences only allowed two different resolutions: 640×480 and 1680×1050.

None of the following steps able to fix the problems:

  • Deleting display preferences ( etc)
  • Replace Display.prefPane (/System/Library/PreferencePanes/Displays.prefPane)
  • Resetting NVRAM
  • Zapping PRAM
  • Use AppleJack to repair permissions, etc.

The solutions is much simpler than the steps above. Install Mac OS X 10.4.8 Combo Updater again.

Windows Vista, Office 2007, and Small Businesses (Part 0)

A lot of small businesses still running Windows 2000 and older Office suites (XP and 2000). Some of them just recently switched to Windows XP since computer vendors no longer had the option to have Windows 2000 pre-installed.

Windows Vista and Office 2007 will be officially released in the end of January 2007. Generally business users would wait for a while before upgrading to Windows Vista and Office 2007.

There are still compatibility issues between versions of Microsoft Office. Some users are still using Office 2000 because number of Macros and Visual Basic Scripts do not work well across different versions of office.

…….to be continued in Part 1

iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1

About iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1

The iPod shuffle Reset Utility restores First Generation iPod shuffle. The restore process completely erases all music and data on iPod shuffle and reinstalls software version 1.1.5.
iPod shuffle Reset Utility logo

iPod shuffle Reset Utility is only for First Generation 512MB and 1GB iPod shuffle. Any other iPod, including Second Generation iPod shuffle is not supported. If you are not sure which iPod you have, see Apple Support document 61688: Identifying different iPod models

iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1 for Macdownload (2.1MB)
iPod shuffle Reset Utility 1.0.1 for Windowsdownload (1.5MB)

Use the iPod shuffle Reset Utility to fix the following issues:

  • With the iPod shuffle switched on, pressing the Play button will cause amber and green LEDs to flash for a few seconds, and the unit will not play any music, nor can you sync music to it from iTunes.
  • On a Windows PC, iPod shuffle will appear in My Computer as a “Removable Disk,” however the iPod shuffle volume will not mount correctly. The unit is listed in Device Manager under “Disk Drives” as “Apple iPod USB Device.”
  • On a Mac, the unit will only be recognized in Apple System Profiler under Hardware -> USB and will not appear or mount in the Finder.
  • When attempting to restore, the unit may not be recognized at all. However, if it is recognized, the restore may fail with an error dialog “Firmware update failure. Disk write error” or another error. It may take 3 restore attempts before the error appears. Note: iPod shuffle may take several minutes to be recognized.

iPod shuffle Reset Utility ©2006 Apple Computer, Inc.

VMware Fusion for Mac Public Beta is Available for Download

VMware has made its desktop virtualization program for Mac OS X available for public testing.

Fusion Beta
Beta Version | 12/21/06 | Build 36932


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