Along Came Windows Vista

After a five long years of development, Windows Vista finally ships to consumers. Many have been using various incarnations of Windows Vista, from early beta to Release Candidate to the RTM version. I had a chance to play with Windows Vista back in its “Longhorn” day. Windows Vista has gone through so much transformations since its first conception. Windows Vista was such a mess during its Beta days, but with Microsoft managed to make it into a “pretty mess”. Aero and Glass are the eye candy of Windows Vista, but users will be left wanting more. To be fair, Windows Vista is an improvement over Windows XP, especially in its security model.

Is Windows Vista Secure?
Theoretically, Windows Vista has a much improved security model compared to its predecessors. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to draw any conclusions until Windows Vista actually being used by “regular” consumers. Those who are technically proficient can protect themselves from most of exploits and vulnerabilities in Windows Vista. In a few months we all will find out if Windows Vista security model do work.

There are much to discuss about Windows Vista, and I’ll be writing a lot more about it.

Read an opinion about Windows Vista here:

LogMeIn Client for Mac OS X: Problem and Solution

A few weeks ago I wrote about LogMeIn Client support on Mac OS X. It has been working for the past 3 weeks without any problems. During a chat on Leo Laporte’s Radio Show chat, someone mentioned that he was not able to use LogMeIn Client on Mac OS X using Mozilla Firefox 2. I mentioned that I had been accessing LogMeIn Client using Safari and it had been working fine. A few minutes later, he informed me that he’s still having the same problem using Safari. I then found out that I was having the same problem.

The problem:
The remote access screen turns black when connecting to the remote computer.

The solution:
Do not open the remote connection in new window.

I will post a much more comprehensive instructions with some screen captures. Please check back.

Apple Releases “Airport Extreme Update 2007-001” for Some Intel-Macs

Apple has released “Airport Extreme Update 2007-001” for some Intel-Macs.

From Apple Support Downloads:

AirPort Extreme Update 2007-0016.5MB
This update is recommended for all Intel-based Macintosh computers and provides compatibility with AirPort Extreme base stations and networks.
According to MacNN, the update is intended for Intel-Macs with Core Duo Processor (MacBook, MacBook Pro, and Mac mini including Core Solo model).

If there’s any more updates, I’ll post it here asap.

Apple Releases “Security Update 2007-001”

Apple releases “Security Update 2007-001” to address QuickTime 7.1.3 vulnerability.
The update is available for QuickTime 7.1.3 on Mac OS X v10.3.9, Mac OS X Server v10.3.9, Mac OS X v10.4.8, Mac OS X Server v10.4.8, Windows XP/2000.

Security Update 2007-001 (Mac OS X 10.4.8 Universal)4.9MB
Security Update 2007-001 (Mac OS X 10.3.9)2.4MB

From Apple Support:

Security Update 2007-001 is recommended for all users and improves QuickTime security.

Description: A buffer overflow exists in QuickTime’s handling of RTSP URLs. By enticing a user to access a maliciously-crafted RTSP URL, an attacker can trigger the buffer overflow, which may lead to arbitrary code execution. A QTL file that triggers this issue has been published on the Month of Apple Bugs web site (MOAB-01-01-2007). This update addresses the issue by performing additional validation of RTSP URLs.

The update can be obtained through Apple Software Updates (Mac OS X and Windows XP/2000) or Apple Support Downloads page.

Apple Security Update 2007-001

Continue reading “Apple Releases “Security Update 2007-001””

Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is available in Mac OS X Universal Binary

Finally, Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory is available in Mac OS X Universal Binary.
One of the best and FREE game out there. Did I say FREE?

The PowerPC version was a resource hog. I’m downloading it right now and will test it later today.

I’m having trouble connecting to most servers.

From Timothee Besset:

“I hope ETPro and other major ET mods out there can update and support the new Mac client soonish.
Meanwhile you may have a bit of trouble finding servers that will accept this new client
(the best approach may be to use qstat [3] and filter for servers running etmain/,
I haven’t found a good third party server browser for OSX at this point)”

I used to play a lot at Hamsters House Of Fun server.

Get Return to Castle Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory for Mac OS X Universal Binary here:

SlingPlayer for Mac OS X Public Beta2 is Available

Previously, I downloaded SlingPlayer for Mac OS X Public Beta2 on January 1st 2007 and had a few trouble using it. It required SlingBox firmware upgrade but whenever I launched Slingbox Setup Assistant it always said that it was expired. After a little bit of fiddling around, the SlingPlayer worked without upgrading Slingbox firmware. The Slingbox Setup Assistant still unusable because it’s still expired.

Today I downloaded SlingPlayer for Mac OS X Public Beta2 and the version turned out to be I have yet tried upgrading the Slingbox firmware.

This time I ran the SlingPlayer Uninstaller before installing the latest SlingPlayer. I then launched Slingbox Setup Assistant and it didn’t come up with expiration message. So far, so good. The next thing I need to do next is to upgrade the Slingbox firmware from within the local network.
SlingBox Pro @ Amazon
SlingBox AV @ Amazon
SlingBox Tuner @ Amazon

Post CES and MacWorld Blues

Now that CES and MacWorld are over, it’s time to look back.

CES is still a much larger event and yet it was eclipsed by Steve Jobs’ MacWorld Keynote. Once again, Apple stole CES’ thunder. I am still processing and formulating the information overloads from CES and MacWorld.

Let’s see.


  • Apple iPhone, AppleTV, and the new Airport Extreme base station. No real news about Mac OS X, Macs, and other softwares from Apple.
  • ModBook – A tablet Mac.
  • No GPS support on Mac OS X from Garmin
  • …to becontinued


  • XBox 360 HD video and larger hard drive.
  • Something about Windows Vista and its variants.
  • Sling Media’s SlingCatcher.
  • Tons of other products, to be added later.

This will take a while for me to write something interesting regarding CES and MacWorld.